The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


molariform (?Ml or dm2). Enamel deeply wrinkled.
Strong postprotocrista separates deep talon and
trigon basins. Trigon basin constricted by inwardly
positioned protocone. Three open roots, very
splayed. Lower M fragment with one unclosed root.
Enamel quite deeply wrinkled, hypoconulid was pre-
sent. Talonid basin deep; enamel very thick.

Tabun Isolated Specimen Series 111, Layer B
Miscellaneous teeth, HPM N 7456. 11: very narrow,
tall crowned, deeply shoveled, with lingual tubercle. L
12: deeply shoveled, with lingual tubercle. Molar with
crown only, probably M3. Too worn to comment.


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pp. 29-38.

The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD,
UK (Tabiin I); Rockefeller Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
(Tabiin 11).
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