The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


breadth. From above, orbits retreat slightly from a
broad, straight glabellar region; postorbital constriction
is minimal. In rear view, neurocranium is almost “en
bombe,” with slightly curved lateral walls and also a
very slight peak along sagittal suture.
Supraorbital region better preserved on the
L. Brow moderately thick s/i throughout; arcs over
each orbit, perhaps peaking slightly just medial to mid-
point of orbits. Lateral part of supraorbital margins
swells laterally beyond frontal process of zygoma.
Supraorbital tori continuous across glabella. Glabella
anteriorly swollen; overhangs nasion. As seen on the L,
orbital roof is distinctly concave, forming rounded cor-
ner with anterior face of supraorbital torus, which
smoothly curves up into posttoral plane. Viewed from
front, superior surface of glabella is broadly depressed.
Apparently no significant posttoral or postglabellar
sulcus, but a short plane is present. Supraorbital torus
not significantly distended anteriorly or superiorly.
Interorbital region extremely broad. Inferior orbital
margin slopes down, giving gentle “aviator glasses” ef-
fect. As seen on the L, a weakly developed anterior
lacrimal crest lies on the face; it is noticeably separated
from the weakly crest-like, anteriorly facing posterior
lacrimal crest; these two crests do not join superiorly.
Very short nasal bones thickly keeled along mid-
line and flex outward, giving impression of a slightly
puffy snout. Nasal bones may be missing at their distal
extremity (as also seems true for superolateral nasal
margins). Nasal aperture was relatively large and
roundedly trapezoidal, with distinct lateral nasal and
spinal crests on the inferior margin that enclose a
(prenasal) fossa between them. Incisive fossae in floor
of nasal cavity lie well below posterior limit of chunky
anterior nasal spine, which may not have projected far
anteriorly. Floor of nasal cavity was flat; lay below
level of inferior nasal margin. Relatively flat, broad
nasoalveolar clivus descends almost vertically from in-
ferior nasal margin.
Short zygomatic arches are extremely thin s/i as
well as m/l; only slightly bowed laterally. Anterior
root of zygomatic arch plausibly reconstructed as orig-
inating somewhat above Ml; curved quite strongly
laterally (seen in frontal view) and gently laterally
(seen in basal view). Region of maxillary tuberosity
not swollen; bears long, slightly anteriorly facing mus-
cle scar. Faint temporal lines curve strongly back after
emerging from behind supraorbital tori, and fade out
rapidly. Squamosal portion of temporals was appar-
ently short and taU; squamosal suture is continuously

rounded a/p. Anterior squamosal suture “corners”
somewhat into moderately deep temporal fossa,
which curves down strongly but smoothly into infra-
temporal region; no delineation between temporal
and infratemporal fossae.
As seen on the R, there was apparently no supra-
mastoid crest. As seen on the L, articular fossa ex-
tends slightly laterally beyond vault wall; it is moder-
ately wide m/l, long a/p, and deep s/i, being deepest
at its midpoint. Posteriorly, articular fossa is bounded
by vertical face of tubular ectotympanic; anteriorly,
flows out onto sphenotemporal region. As seen on the
R and somewhat on the L, articular fossa is partly
bounded medially by a small medial articular (entog-
lenoid) tubercle. Both foramina ovale rather small. As
preserved on the R, rather large foramen spinosum
lies behind foramen ovale. Also as seen on the R,
carotid foramen not very large; points downward.
Vaginal process overhangs carotid foramen; peaks
around the short, stubby styloid process. Stylomastoid
foramen lies at base of styloid process. Auditory mea-
tus a/p compressed and ovoid. Tubular ectotympanic
may not have extended fully laterally. As partly pre-
served on the R, relatively narrow mastoid process is
obliquely oriented mediolaterally, tilts medially in-
ward; although long, it does not project markedly be-
yond level of cranial base. Inner surface of mastoid
process flat. Mastoid notch long and relatively narrow;
it appears to have terminated posteriorly in a shallow
digastric fossa. On the R, a blunt, low rise of bone
runs along occipitomastoid suture. Parietomastoid su-
ture was apparently long and horizontal.
Lambdoid suture coursed gently up toward region
of lambda, where it appears to have curved gently
around. Occipital plane short, extremely wide, and
slightly swollen; bears no significant morphology, but
does show evidence of pathology. Nuchal plane very
broad, long, and horizontal; is differentiated laterally
from occipital plane by weak superior nuchal lines that
also delineate laterally very long, large, shallowly scal-
loped depressions. Between depressions lies a smooth,
triangular, slightly raised field of bone. Waldeyer’s crest
distinct and long; lies quite far medial to this low rise.
Cerebellar lobe impressions face down; swell out
nuchal plane externally. Foramen magnum was very
long, ovoid; anterior margin is downwardly distended.
Anterior to foramen magnum, basiocciput is strongly
curved both upward and forward. External surface of
basiocciput essentially featureless, except for a moder-
ate, shallow midline caecum. As preserved on the R,
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