The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


Ngandong 2 (Solo 11)
Juvenile frontal damaged at its R front, with huge
frontal crest for its age. Bone moderately thick for
young individual.
In profile, frontal very strongly curving; rises very
steeply straight from glabella. Forehead nicely domed,
with laterally, above orbit, just a hint of a depression as
seen in adults. Distinct keel in midline along posterior
half of bone. Coronal suture poorly interdigitated and
undifferentiated. Seen from above, a deep postorbital
constriction intrudes strongly behind orbital margin on
the L (where preserved); wall of skull bulges strongly
behind it (thus, skull did not taper anteriorly). Tempo-
ral line faint as it emerges from behind orbit; runs al-
most directly back, with little rise. Glabella protrudes
very strongly in front of preserved orbital margin me-
dially. Nasion may have lain even more anteriorly still,
and lay well below supraorbital margin. Interorbital
region very broad superiorly; as preserved on the L,
frontal sinus confined well within it. Orbital roof
deeply concave where preserved in front; frontal lobes
protruded fairly far forward over orbital cones. Only
medial part of superior orbital margin preserved intact;
rounded but shows no swelling.

Ngandong 7
Second complete Ngandong calvaria, lacking only face.
General profile shorter and more rounded than Ngan-
dong 1 and 6. Frontal rises fairly steeply from just be-
hind glabella; angles back and up about halfway to
bregma. Profile between bregma and lambda
marred by pathology, with multiple lesions of various
depths and sizes. From lambda down, occipital plane
quite straight, but angles slightly back to occipital
torus. Torus does not noticeably protrude posteriorly.
Just above torus, in midline, is deepest part of a
suprainiac depression, which expands farther to the R
than L. Depression has distinct rim; internally, bone
roughened. Viewed from above, glabellar region con-
cave; supraorbital tori retreat slightly as they go later-
ally. Also from above, skull broad posteriorly; curves
gently in toward the long, moderately deep postorbital
constriction. Viewed from behind, cranium appears
partly tent shaped because of a slight peak in midline
behind bregma; otherwise, roof curves smoothly into
sides. Trace of keel runs down frontal in midline, and
along coronal suture from bregma; also a hint of keel
in area behind bregma (but affected by pathology).
Moderate frontal dome is set back slightly even from
glabella. Laterally, frontal dome delineated by shallow

depressions above lateral portions of supraorbital tori.
R torus deformed by an extensive compression fracture
(seems likely that lateral part of torus was originally
much thicker s/i than medial part). L torus damaged.
Interorbital region moderately broad, invaded by
frontal sinuses of undeterminable extent. Nasion lies
well below and anterior to front margins of tori. Tiny
attached fragment of nasal bone suggests superior
nasal region had projected somewhat forward. Fron-
tonasal contour V shaped; tapers toward front. Orbital
roofs very concave; damage and pathology prevent
determining how they flowed onto surfaces of tori.
Preserved superior part of ethmoid bears tops of
three (at most) ethmoidal air cells on each side.
Temporal lines low and thick as they emerge from
behind upper part of supraorbital torus; fade out as they
run posteriorly. Depressions lie medial to where poste-
rior termini of temporal line would be, and just above
occipital torus. Anterior squamosal arcs smoothly
into alisphenoid, with barely any distinction between
anterior and posterior temporal fossae. No distinct in-
fratemporal fossa. Squamosal suture almost horizontal
as it runs back from alisphenoid; its posterior margin
descends almost vertically to moderately acute parietal
notch. Articular fossae relatively larger than in other
Ngandong specimens, but configuration basically the
same (which suggests that area from condylar region to
mastoid process in Ngandong 14, with its curious pits,
is probably an artifact). Relatively small carotid foram-
ina point down and back; they are also covered by a
thick, short vaginal process that runs along petrosal
from its peak at region of styloid process. Vaginal
process fades out before reaching lateral margin of
short, thick-walled ectotympanic tube; is widely sepa-
rated from the mastoid process. Auditory meatus
large, ovoid, and tall. R jugular foramen much larger
than L, as in Ngandong 14; the bone is complete
behind the downward-pointing foramina and lacks fos-
sae. Cresting system from posterior root of zygomatic
arch to supramastoid crest is more horizontal and less
well developed than in other specimens.
Configuration of complete mastoid process is sim-
ilar to Ngandong 14 massive, quite bulky tips point
straight down and are somewhat swollen laterally; no
real development of mastoid tubercle. Proceeding me-
dially from each mastoid process are seen a shallow,
moderately narrow mastoid notch, a thin, low para-
mastoid crest, and a shallower groove that appears to
follow the occipitomastoid suture. Medial to this, the
bone surface is rather concave. Lambdoid suture arcs
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