The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


gently across lambda; it is undifferentiated and poorly
interdigitated. Nuchal plane strongly undercuts nuchal
torus, much as in Ngandong 14, although external
occipital crest is thinner. Torus bulky and quite lim-
ited from side to side.
Foramen magnum long, almost piriform, being
quite straight across front, and tapering posteriorly.
Rim of foramen slightly raised. Occipital condyles
small, coronally arcuate; they lie very anteriorly on
foraminal rim. Posterior portion of foramen’s rim also
thickened. Basiocciput as in Ngandong 14 but shorter
and even flatter, with minimal sculpting. As in Ngan-
dong 14, vomer lies anterior to sphenooccipital
synchondrosis; superior roots of pterygoid plates lie
lateral to margin of basisphenoid. Foramina lacera
narrower. Foramina ovale and spinosum lie entirely in
temporal; much larger on the R than L. On both sides,
foramen ovale lies quite lateral to lateral pterygoid
plate. Petrosal short; curves gently anteriorly and
medially, tapering toward its medial end.
Internally, appears that petrosals had low arcuate
eminences; the L is slightly more peaked. On the R
(at least) is a well-defined superior petrous sinus.
Internal occipital protuberance is moderately tall,
mounded; lies low, close to rim of foramen magnum;
faint L and fainter R transverse sinus emanates later-
ally from it. More deeply impressed sigmoid sinuses
run down toward foramen magnum, to region just
lateral to and behind occipital condyles. Transverse
sinuses separate shallow occipital lobe depressions
from deeper cerebellar lobe depressions. Region of
clivus broken.

Ngandong 14 (Solo XI)
One of the most completely preserved of all Ngan-
dong specimens, consisting of complete calvaria just
lacking the face. Bone hyperostotic toward rear, and
other hints of infection. Cranial bone does not appear
to have been notably thick.
Skull longer and narrower than other Ngandong
specimens, with more parallel sides in top view, and
narrower and more vertically sided when viewed from
behind. Thus, in coronal profile, cranium is relatively
tall, with a continuous slope from side into roof and a
smooth curve over top. Viewed from above, postor-
bital constrictions very shallow and open. In side view,
the fairly steep rise of frontal comes directly off
glabella in midline. Bregmatic swelling low and dis-
tinct; intrudes into otherwise unbroken curve back to
near lambda. Lambda indistinct; appears to have been

low. Another bulge in profile occurs around lambda,
below which is slight backward slope to downwardly
pointing occipital torus. Torus lacks backward flare
seen in other Ngandong specimens. Posterior to the
bregmatic swelling are bilateral very shallow depres-
sions that accentuate the midline area between them.
Temporal lines form a low ridge that arcs back to
thicken at it its most posterior extent, just at or medial
to asterion. As in other Ngandong specimens, pair of
noticeable depressions lies medial to posterior end of
temporal lines, just above occipital torus.
Frontal “dome” distinct; emphasized laterally by
depressions in superior surface of supraorbital tori. Tori
themselves very thick laterally, above zygomati-
cofrontal suture; they thin medially to wide but
shallow supraorbital notches. Interorbital distance is
broad; penetrated by frontal sinuses that do not extend
far laterally or superiorly. As in other Ngandong speci-
mens, roofs of orbits are concave; flow in smooth curve
back onto anterior face of tori. Superior margins of or-
bits relatively straight; slope downward laterally. From
above, region of glabella distinctly concave in midline;
tori on either side retreat from their most medial
Squamosal low and relatively long; suture did not
arc much posterior to alisphenoid. On the R especially,
a very distinct although rounded margin lies along an-
terior squamosal suture, delimiting anterior and poste-
rior compartments of temporal fossa. No horizontal
flexure of alisphenoid to delineate infratemporal fossa.
Articular fossae large, deep, more open inferiorly, con-
stricted superiorly. Fossae closed off medially, but not
by a well-developed tubercle (although a small one is
present). Anterior wall of fossa quite steep; flows into
the rather flat articular eminence in front. As seen on
preserved R, articular fossa angled slightly outward
and forward; its lateral extent lies right underneath
posterior root of zygomatic arch. Ectotympanic tubes
short and thick walled; terminate laterally in large,
ovoid auditory meati. Appears that vaginal process
descended from styloid process to reach auditory
meatus. Vaginal process distinctly separated from
mastoid process on both sides. Internally, R petrosal
smooth across; lacks arcuate eminence. L petrosal
bears expansive but not salient eminence. Superior
petrous sinuses and subarcuate fossae appear absent.
Continuity of region from posterior root of zygo-
matic arch through supramastoid crest is as in other
Ngandong specimens, although the plane of this com-
bined crest angled less markedly upward. Also as in
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