KI.96); none is very wide m/l. Symphyseal regions
mostly devoid of morphology, but tend to be fairly nar-
row and strongly curved across. As seen in H1.12,
35.77, and HIV, postincisal plane is smooth and very
steep; may bear pair of thin genial tubercles low down.
Seen from front, inferior margins of these symphyseal
regions are slightly elevated at either side of midline,
corresponding to the regions of the downwardly facing,
m/l wide digastric fossae. Seen from below, symphyseal
region of H1.12 somewhat tightly curved internally.
Slight bulge in midline externally; otherwise, bone uni-
formly thick around symphyseal regon to level of P2.
35.77 probably weathered; does not show any morphol-
ogy externally across apparently tightly and uniformly
curved symphyseal region. HIV was apparently broadly
curved internally.
One subadult mandible (22687) bears a low mid-
line keel that fans out inferiorly into a broadened
“trigone” with inferior marginal thickenings on either
side; shallow depressions lie above thickenings and on
either side of trigone. In 22687, postincisal plane is
steep; bears a shallow depression just below Is and an-
other, smaller, depression low down. Low midline
ridge descends from depression around inferior mar-
gin. Digastric fossae not evident. In profile, external
aspect of symphysis slopes gently down and back.
Seen from side, preserved lower anterior margin of ra-
mus almost totally obscures erupting M2. In other
mandibles preserving this region (e.g., G1.6, G1.7.
H1.12, and even subadult F1.5, with its unerupted
M3), M3 is totally exposed in front of ramus.
Mandibles with ramus preserved (e.g., G.7, H1.12)
have markedly laterally flexed, externally rimmed gonial
regions. In G1.7 and subadult F1.5, sigmoid notch is V
shaped; deepest point lies closer to base of condyle in
G1.7 than in F1.5. In both specimens and H1.12, sig-
moid notch crest terminates far laterally on condyles. In
G1.7 and subadult F1.5, the large, compressed man-
dibular foramen lies level with teeth, facing back and
slightly up; deep mylohyoid groove lies below foramen,
and thick-based lingula above. No evidence of mylohy-
oid line on G1-6, H1.12, and other mandibular frag-
ments. On H1.12 and others, submandibular fossa is
modestly developed.
Lower Is (seen in 22687, 35.77, and G1.6) are
somewhat tall crowned, fan shaped; gently and
smoothly concave lingually. 12s somewhat longer m/d
than Ils, with more pronounced lateral flare. In profile, I
crowns curve back slightly from roots. Judging by alveoli
(H1.12, A2) I roots were short, not very long m/d,
somewhat wide b/l. C (K1.96, G1.6, HIV) worn (less
so in former two specimens); would have been very tall
crowned; relatively short m/d relative to height; proba-
bly had relatively long distal slope. As seen better in
G1.6, C has distinct mesial and distal margocristids,
with narrow vertical foveae internal to them. Lingual
face of C somewhat vertical, and buccal face moderately
curved. As seen in G1.6, C root quite long and stout. In
35.77, RC crown is almost 50% erupted; L just begin-
ning to erupt; distal slope long and fairly horizontal,
mesial slope very short and almost horizontal.
35.77 lower P1 almost fully erupted. K1.96 and
G1.6 P1 somewhat worn. HIV P1 very worn, damaged
(as is P2). 1411.303 P1 very worn. As seen in less worn
and unworn specimens, a distinct metaconid lies oppo-
site taller, larger, m/d longer protoconid, which has long
distal slope and slightly shorter mesial slope. Protoconid
and metaconid somewhat internally placed. Buccal slope
fairly long and steep. Cristid courses mesially down
from apex of protoconid, and angles lingually and
slightly distally to terminate at base of metaconid. Small
anterior fovea is surrounded by a crest. Another crest
descends distally from protoconid for some distance be-
fore angling lingually, then curving in to base of meta-
conid; it encircles a larger distal fovea, which bears some
enamel wrinkling. P2 very damaged and worn in HIV;
much less worn in G1.6 and K1.96. P2 as wide or wider
b/l than P1, and shorter m/d since mesial side not dis-
tended as in P1. P2 metaconid and protoconid were ap-
parently somewhat mesially placed; there was a small
posterior but no anterior fovea. P1 and 2 alveoli pre-
served in H1.12; would have housed single roots, with
P1 root probably larger than P2, at least b/l.
Lower molars preserved in varying stages of wear
and number in 22687, F1.5, K1.96, G1.96, A2, B3.9,
H1.12, HIV, G1.7 and F1. Decrease in size from M1
to M3; in some, M3 is quite small. M1 is appreciably
wider b/l than Ps, slightly wider than M2. M3 some-
what narrower b/l and distinctly shorter m/d than M2,
and M2 only slightly shorter m/d than M1. M1-3 were
longer m/d buccally than lingually, with mesial margin
of tooth running distolingually to metaconid (i. e.,
mesial side angles back). Mesial margin of M1-3 ap-
parently bore cristid that enclosed small, deep trigonid
basin. Ml and 2 buccal cusps apparently more inter-
nally placed (with distinct buccal slope) and much
lower than lingual cusps; lingual cusps somewhat com-
pressed b/l. In B3.9, Ml and 2 have distinct buccal cin-
gulid around mesial portion of protoconid. M1 and M2
hypoconid very large; protoconid and metaconid lie