only undistorted one of the three; 102 and 103 may
show deformation as well as postmortem breakage),
and it is clear that the relationship of the Upper Cave
humans to the modern population of northern China
remains unresolved. Wu and Poirier (1995) quote cra-
nial capacities as follows. 101: 1500 ml; 102: 1380 ml;
103: 1300 ml.
The following description was made on the basis of
casts preserved in the American Museum of Natural
History. There are three crania. PA.101 is a more or
less complete skull, with mandible, lacking part of R
zygomatic arch; has depressed fracture on L coronal
suture, just above temporal line. PA.102 is a fairly
complete but fractured and somewhat crushed cranium
of a young adult lacking mandible, both zygomatic
arches, and all antemolar teeth; there is a small de-
pressed fracture in L coronal suture. PA.103 is a fairly
complete but heavily reconstructed skull (was in lots of
pieces), lacking all teeth but four (RC, RM1 and 2,
and LMl); zygomatic arches and some of cranial base
missing. There are also two unassociated mandibles.
PA.104 is fairly complete, missing R gonial region and
all incisors, R and LPls, and LP2. PA.109 is a partial
mandible with alveoli for anterior roots of LMl,
LP2-RP2, and RN12 and 3, and lacking half of L cor-
pus and inferior part of R corpus, as well as both rami;
it appears that the L12 had been lost antemortem. Ex-
cept as specifically noted, the crushed PA.102 skull is
not included in the generalized descriptions below.
Overall, moderately large. Faces generally low set;
broad across zygomatic bones. In profile, a short and
variably angled frontal rise emerges from variably
swollen glabellar region. Profile then curves gently
and smoothly back about halfway along sagittal suture
before descending steeply across lambda and partway
down occipital plane, where it begins to curve anteri-
orly to superior nuchal line. Below superior nuchal
line, occipital plane angles variably down and forward.
Region between superior and inferior nuchal lines is a
broad, flat plane that follows a shallow, bow-shaped
curve. From behind, crania relatively tall, narrow. Side
walls straight, vertical; curve in quite strongly over top
of skull, sometimes peaking at sagittal suture. Widest
point across mastoid crests. Seen from above, profile
tapers gently forward to very shallow postorbital
constrictions. Also from above, lateral portions of
brow forward facing; they lie slightly behind medial
portions, which may become more protrusive as
profile crosses glabella. Nasal bones and nasoalveolar
clivus protrude in front of brows. Viewed from front,
frontal quite broad; region of zygomatic processes may
face somewhat forward. Interorbital region moder-
ately broad. Portions of supraorbital margin above and
medial to medially placed supraorbital notcheslforam-
ina more bulbous than bone lateral to them. Variably
crest-like temporal lines emerge well up along zygo-
matic processes of frontal; curve strongly posteriorly
to fade out prior to reaching coronal suture; may reap-
pear on parietals near lambdoid suture.
Orbits subrectangular, quite wide m/l. Inferior
orbital margins thick, everted, accentuated below by
variably excavated concavities. Large infraorbital for-
amina lie variably below inferior orbital margin; shal-
low vertical sulci may descend inferiorly from them.
Frontonasal suture slightly higher than frontomaxil-
lary sutures. Nasal bones “pinched” outward along
midline, producing slight keel that flattens out toward
nasal aperture; much broader inferiorly than
superiorly; they are slightly constricted inwardly a
small distance below nasion. In profile, nasal bones
have strong, smooth, outward curve; were probably
quite projecting beyond nasal aperture. Lateral (nasal
margin) crests quite sharp until inferolateral region of
nasal aperture, where they become blunter. As lateral
crests run inferomedially they come to lie on nasoal-
veolar clivus, fading out below the large, protruding
anterior nasal spines and above roots of 11s. Nasoalve-
olar clivus short, steeply inclined anteriorly; more
strongly curved out and down in PA.102 and 103
than in PA.101. In all three crania, anterior root of
zygomatic arch originates well above region of Ml
and M2. In front view, inferior margin of anterior
root runs steeply up and laterally into variably exca-
vated in-cisura. Incisura bounded laterally by variably
prominent maxillary tubercle. Zygoma curves
smoothly and strongly posteriorly in PA.101 and 102;
is somewhat more anteriorly facing in PA.103.
One or two zygomaticofacial foramina possible
above inferior orbital margin. Malar tuberosity moder-
ately to prominently developed, posteriorly facing. Zy-
gomatic arches did not flare laterally. Temporal fossae
small, most expansive behind posterior face of zygoma.
Slight crest runs along inferior part of anterior
squamosal suture; anterior to suture, bone of frontal no-
ticeably concave. Superiorly, anterior squamosal
suture flows smoothly onto frontal. In PA 101, inferior