The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


portion of alisphenoid bends in quite strongly to create
an infratemporal fossa that is not delineated on the
other two skulls. Posterior root of zygomatic arch lies
well anterior to auditory meatus, flows posteriorly into
the continuous and variably developed suprameatal and
supramastoid crests; it is variably developed laterally.
Supramastoid crests curve gently upward and back.
Articular fossae very wide m/l, moderately long a/p,
very deep, almost laterally oriented. Postglenoid plate
m/l wide, variably downwardly distended; is separated
from tubular ectotympanic by distinct fissure. Medial
pterygoid tubercle small to moderate in size; does not
close off articular fossa. Fossa flows medially across
steep anterior face of ectotympanic tube. Tube bears
low vaginal process that peaks slightly quite medially
and then fades out at margin of auditory meatus. Vagi-
nal process apparently peaked around styloid process
and seems to abut mastoid process. Carotid foramina
face down, close to small jugular foramina that face
slightly forward. Foramina lacera very large. Auditory
meatus moderately large, ovoid, vertically oriented.
Mastoid processes variably swollen at bases, vari-
ably distended down and forward. Lateral surfaces of
processes quite rugose, somewhat flattened. Mastoid
notches deep in PA.101 and 103; very shallow in 102.
Notches narrow to wide (even within same specimen),
variably extensive posteriorly. Stylomastoid process
fairly large; lies at front of mastoid notch and well be-
hind region of styloid process. Digastric fossa not dis-
cernible. Paramastoid, occipitomastoid, and Waldeyer's
crests may all be present.
Occipital bone itself variably wide, tall. No anterior
lambdoid suture. Parietomastoid suture relatively short.
Parietal notch apparently obtuse. Lambdoid suture nei-
ther distinctly peaked nor rounded at lambda. Inferior
nuchal lines better defined toward midline; well sepa-
rated from each other. Below inferior nuchal line, mus-
cle scarring is variable on either side of long, distinct
external occipital crest. Foramen magnum quite large,
variably rounded to ovoid, with long, m/l wide, laterally
upwardly sloping, coronally arcuate, flat-surfaced occip-
ital condyles. Condyles quite anteriorly placed. Basioc-
ciput broad near condyles; tapers noticeably anteriorly;
external surface variably rugose. Base of vomer appears
to have lain anterior to sphenooccipital synchondrosis.
Pterygoid plates lie parallel to one another, not conflu-
ent either superiorly or inferiorly; lateral plate was
probably much larger than medial.
Palates short, squat, variably shallow to deep, with
variably sloping anterior walls; posterior walls fairly

vertical. Dental arcades moderately broad, strongly
divergent. Small to moderate in size incisive foramina
lie close to region of 11s.
Coronal and sagittal sutures are differentiated into
segments more noticeably than lambdoid suture.
Coronoid finely interdigitated; sagittal and lambdoid
more deeply so.

Variable in height and development of central keel,
inferior marginal eversion, mental trigone, mental fos-
sae, and mental tubercles, although all these features
are always present. Subincisal depressions variable.
Moderate to large mental foramina lie below P2s.
Bone toward inferior margin swells below region of
M2. Postincisal plane vertical; height variable. Devel-
opment of genial tubercles and their position above
inferior margin variable. Seen from below, bone of
symphyseal region is variably thick; in all cases, sym-
physeal region thicker than bone immediately adja-
cent. Digastric fossae quite long a/p and well devel-
oped; face down and back. Anterior margin of ramus
begins to emerge below M2 and 3; may ascend almost
vertically (PA.101) or lean forward, with shallow pre-
angular sulcus (PA.104). Anterior margin of ramus
lies well behind region of M3 in PA.101; only masks
distal part of M3 in PA.104. Ramus quite long a/p,
moderately tall. Gonial region strongly curved with
variable muscle scarring along edge. Coronoid process
not much (PA.104) or much (PA.101) taller than m/l
very wide, a/p somewhat short, coronally somewhat
arced man-dibular condyle. Sigmoid notch moder-
ately to quite long a/p, moderately to somewhat deep;
deepest point lies just posterior to midpoint of sig-
moid notch crest, which runs to terminate just medial
to lateral extremity of mandibular condyle. Mylohyoid
lines and submandibular fossae variably developed.
Fossae may extend right forward to midline of jaw
and subsume region of genial tubercles. Mandibular
foramina a/p long, horizontally oriented, compressed,
and lie at level of tooth rows; were apparently not en-
closed by lingulae. PA.101 has a mylohyoid notch.
Low pillar runs down midline of internal face of coro-
noid process; becomes confluent with a modest internal
alveolar crest. Inner surface of gonial region bears a series
of low, crest-like rugosities along angle.

All heavily worn. Upper incisor roots moderately
long; 11s larger than 12s. Crowns of 11s may not have
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