The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


divergent. Palate quite deep posteriorly, shallowing
toward front; side walls fairly vertical above molars.
Incisive foramen rather small and lies just behind
alveolar margin. Greater palatine foramina also quite
Coronal suture segmented, with long C1 and C2
but short C3 regions. C2 region finely interdigitated.
Sagittal suture obviously segmented; interdigitations
thick but not very deep. Lambdoid suture appears to
have been slightly interdigitated for most of its length
except for region close to lambda. All internal mor-
phology obscured by plaster.
Mandible small and gracile. Corpora relatively
tall s/i for their size but fairly narrow m/l. Rami
fairly short s/i but long a/p. Symphyseal region very
tall s/i; corpora become shorter s/i behind it. Seen
from front, there is shallow subalveolar depression
below C roots; bone shows impressions of C roots.
Somewhat below alveolar margin lies an inferiorly
broadening median swelling of bone (no distinct
keel, thickened inferior margin, mental fossae).
Inferior margin distended out into a mounded area
continuous with median swelling above. In profile,
subalveolar depression quite tall s/i and shallow;
median bulge becomes more prominent inferiorly,
curving back strongly at inferior margin. From
below, anterior surface of inferior margin forms a
smooth curve, with a slight bulge anteriorly at front
(i.e., bone is somewhat thicker b/l across symphysis
than at sides, with smooth transition); there is a
gentler curve inferiorly at symphysis. Digastric fos-
sae poorly defined; may have intruded slightly onto
anterior margin. Medium-sized mental foramina lie
beneath P2s. Inferior margin rises markedly behind
region of M3. Anterior root of ramus originates
below M1 and swells markedly laterally by M2,
creating a noticeable gutter. On both sides, anterior
margin of ramus curves up quite steeply and retro-
molar space is discernible. As seen on L, a shallow
preangular sulcus lies above level of M3. Coronoid
process and condyle separated by very a/p long sig-
moid notch. Sigmoid notch crest terminates later-
ally on condyle on R and goes right to lateral edge
of condyle on L. On R, sigmoid notch is relatively
shallow, but deepest at midpoint; on L, notch deeper
and deepest anterior to midpoint. Coronoid
processes subequal in height with condyles, stubby
at bases, and pointed at tips. Condyles not notably
broad but coronally arcing, with poorly defined
neck. Articular surface of condyles extends some-

what posteroinferiorly. In posterior view, condyles
fairly symmetrical on neck. As better preserved on
R, inferior margin of gonial angle thickened, with
muscle scars across its inferior surface.
Internally, postincisal plane tall s/i and almost ver-
tical, with smooth surface. Any hint of genial muscle
attachment lies low down, close to inferior margin.
Mylohyoid line distinct; lies high up on both sides be-
low molars. No definable submandibular depression.
Internal alveolar crest blunt and flows into very low
swelling that bifurcates above region of mandibular
foramen. Branch going to tip of coronoid process be-
comes distinct superiorly; branch toward condyle
fades out. As seen on L, the ovoid, moderate-sized
mandibular foramen is largely posteriorly facing and
appears not to have borne much of a lingula. On both
sides, mylohyoid groove from mandibular foramen
steep, straight, and moderately long. On both sides,
large, broad, medial pterygoid tubercle preserved
above gonial angle.
All teeth small and extremely worn. Upper 11s had
larger, more flaring crowns than did 12s. 12s preserve
moderate vertical lingual crease (were barrel shaped?).
I1 roots moderately long. C crowns were narrow m/d
and preserve traces of margocristae lingually. P1
smaller than P2, especially m/d. Molars decrease
markedly in size from M1 to M3. Ml subsquare with
rounded corners, M2 more circular, and M3 reduced
and also rounded. Ml has distinct hypocone that fills
out distolingual corner of crown; metacone was sube-
qual in size with paracone. On M2, hypocone swells
tooth distolingually; metacone noticeably smaller than
paracone. Also on M2, it seems that preprotocrista
swung mesially around side of paracone. M3s essen-
tially consist of thickened enamel ring around central
basin. In all molars, whatever root divergence there
was occurred well below neck of tooth.
Lower I crowns narrow; were probably tall. As
seen on the L, I2 was longer m/d than 11. Cs seem to
have been relatively large, although narrow m/d, and
bore distinct margocristids lingually. P1 smaller than
P2 and distended distolingually. On P2, metaconid
somewhat mesially placed; apparently there was a
thick distal cristid. M2 has, and M1 seems to have
had, a well-developed hypoconulid that lay somewhat
buccal to midline. M2 seems to have had thick para-
cristid and small trigonid basin. M1 and 2 subovoid
and subequal in size. LM3 much smaller, subcircular,
and has centrally placed hypoconulid that forms a ring
with other cusps around the deep basin.
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