Harvesting techniques
Coleman technique , 207–211
dry technique , 206
laser-assisted liposuction , 206
liposuction vs. biopsy/resection , 204–205
power-assisted liposuction , 206
super-wet technique , 206
ultrasound-assisted liposuction , 206
water-assisted liposuction , 206
wet/tumescent technique , 206
Heart disease , 90
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) , 2
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
(HSCT) , 164–166
Hybrids , 9
Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1)
heterodimer , 214
Idiopathic pulmonary fi brosis (IPF) , 52
Illouz method , 206
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
advantages , 79
clinical conditions
adenovirus vectors , 81
animal composition-free culture
systems , 82 , 83
KSR and mTeSR1 , 83
lentiviral vectors , 81
less invasive techniques , 82
mRNAs , 82
peripheral blood cells , 82
transgene system , 81
viral-free vectors , 82
xeno-free media , 83
cloning capacity , 79
c-Myc, Sox2, Klf4, and Oct4 , 79
disease modeling , 84–86
doxycycline , 79
drug screening , 85 , 87
factors , 78
GMP suite , 84
history , 77 , 78
nonviral methods , 79
obstacle, reprogramming in , 80
oncogenic transcription , 79
potential genotoxic effects , 79
quality control testing , 84
regenerative medicine , 79
cardiac differentiation , 89 , 90
diabetic mellitus , 90 , 91
EB formation , 88
generation protocols , 87
liver disease , 90 , 91
neural differentiation , 88
SMAD signaling pathway , 88
somatic cells, reprogramming , 87
TGF-β receptors , 88
retroviruses/lentiviruses , 79
RNA molecules , 80 , 81
RPE sheets , 91
transposon systems , 80
Inner cell mass (ICM) , 99
International Medical Device Regulators
Forum (IMDRF) , 23
International Society for Cellular Therapy
(ISCT) , 132
Inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) , 80
iPSCs. See Induced pluripotent stem cells
Kidney diseases , 52 , 53
Liver disease , 52 , 53 , 90 , 91
Lung disease , 52 , 53
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
advantages , 3
adult MSCs , 100
causes changes , 100
cell surface characterisation , 103
and differentiation ,
102 , 103
embryonic stem cells , 99
HLA-2 markers , 100
inner cell mass , 99
osteoarthritis , 101
and proliferation , 101 , 102
regenerative medicine , 100
allogeneic MSCs , 109
AlloStem , 46
autoimmune diseases , 51 , 52
CardioRel ® , 44
cardiovascular diseases , 51
chronic infl ammatory , 51 , 52
diabetes mellitus , 53