The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1

Table 3.4 (continued)

Solega name
(complete) Scientifi c name Forest type Use
gandada mara Santalum album Paste is applied to the side
of the face when swollen
during toothache
gore uṇṇina giḍa,
goruṇṇina giḍa

Plectranthus sp. male, na:ḍu Juice from the leaves is
applied to the webs of
fi ngers and toes to cure tinea
goṭṭi ambu# Ziziphus rugosa/

male, sometimes

Bark is mixed with the root of
handi ba:ṇe hullu and drunk
in case of stomach ache
honne mara# Pterocarpus

male The sap is used to help
broken bones heal; applied to
the inside of a bamboo splint
hoṭṭeno:vina ambu Cissampelos pareira A remedy for stomach ache
iṭṭu nelli mara# Emblica indofi scheri na:ḍu Bark extract is applied to
skin that has blistered after
contact with the spines of
ele se:ḷu caterpillar
ka:ḍa arasina giḍa Curcuma longa Paste of the root is applied
to the face to treat pimples
kaḍabada mara Mitragyna parvifl ora male, na:ḍu Bark extract is given to dogs
prior to hunting to improve
alertness and tracking ability
ka:ḍasuṇṭi giḍa# Zingiber offi cinale Added to tea as a cure for a
common cold
kaĩye suṇḍe giḍa Solanum violaceum male, na:ḍu Fruit (avail. Year- round) is
used to treat common cold
in young babies (6 months–1
year). Black peppercorns are
ground to a fi ne powder and
placed on the fontanelle of
the head, and the juice of the
kaĩye suṇḍde fruit is
squeezed onto the same spot
kaĩyebe:vu mara,

Azidirachta indica na:ḍu Leaves are eaten in case of
stomach ache or as a
kakke mara# Cassia fi stula male, na:ḍu Bark extract is given to
people suffering from gall
and kidney stones
karava:di mara# Persea macrantha male, ka:nu Bark extract is given to sick
kaũri mara# Helicteres isora male, na:ḍu Pieces of the unripe fruit are
tied to the wrists of restless
infants whom are unable to
sleep—the hand depends on
the side that the infant usually
faces while lying down

3.9 Plant Uses

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