The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1


Table 3.4 (continued)

Solega name
(complete) Scientifi c name Forest type Use
kende mara Elaeocarpus

male, ka:nu Bark is mixed with the root
of iḷisingi vine, and the paste
smeared on the body or head
in case of fever, headache or
kittarsã mara Bauhinia racemosa na:ḍu Bark of the tree is used as a
contraceptive, the extract
being ingested by both men
and women.
kuḍuma:vu mara


ka:nu Powdered bark is mixed
with ra:gi fl our and eaten in
case of diarrhoea; also a
good remedy for fatigue
ku:ginele giḍa Canna sp. ka:nu, shola Leaves are used to bake
roṭṭi; said to help children
develop the power of speech
meṇasi:ge mara Litsea josephii male, ka:nu Seeds (powdered) and bark
(chewed) are taken in case
of appetite loss
na:yĩ nelli mara Phyllanthus emblica Bark extract applied to skin
that has blistered after
contact with the spines of
ele se:ḷu
nela nelli giḍa Phyllanthus niruri na:ḍu Leaves are eaten, esp. as a
remedy for jaundice
nelama:gaḷi ambu Hemidesmus indicus male, na:ḍu Root is consumed as a
remedy for stomach ache
omma:lika giḍa Spilanthes sp. male Leaves are crushed, and
placed in the ear in case of
earache; mixed with honey
and consumed in case of a
sore throat
onge mara Pongamia pinnata na:ḍu Oil from seeds or bark
extract is applied to the skin
in case of a rash or blister
onnegã giḍa Lindernia antipoda male, na:ḍu Leaves are added to uduka
and eaten; leaves are
consumed in case of
ro:jiga giḍa# Lantana camara male, na:ḍu Crushed leaves are placed
on wounds; the charcoal
from woody branches is
used as toothpaste
se:bina geṇasu# Colocasia sp. Stalks are eaten in uduka,
useful as a vermifuge
seppe ambu# Entada rheedii male, ka:nu The white seeds are ground
up and the paste applied to

3 Plants in Solega Language and Culture
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