PRO TIPUsing 3DIf you are using 3D for a project, start by taking notes on paper. Draw, design and come up with acomposition, and the color and lighting scenario you want to create in the final image. I say thisbecause 3D is a slow process, so figuring out the design before you even start modeling will reallygive you direction. You can change the lighting and composition in the final image, and you donâtnecessarily have to stick to the plan completely, but this is the difference between someone whoknows what they are doing and someone who is relying on luck.``````myself. It has also boosted my work process interms of the time it takes me to create an artwork.As for the hardware, I use an old Wacom Intuos3tablet and an old workstation computer. For thekind of work I do, it is more than enough for meat this point. If I do heavy 3D work in the futurethen I may need a more powerful machine.``````2da: Are there any tools, techniques or softwareyou would like to explore in the future, and why?``````WM: I would really love to explore ZBrush and3D-Coat in the future as these are the best sculptingsoftware, and each has its own powers. I havealso done some clay pot making and sculpting``````art and started to learn from online art schools thatfocused on teaching concept art for videogames.``````2da: What are your preferred toolsto work with and why?``````WM: I use Photoshop and Blender. Photoshop ismy main tool to create artwork but more recentlyI started using 3D in my work. Learning 3D was noteasy for me, and I had always kept away from itas it was very boring to learn 3D in the beginning.However, due to the industry requirementsthese days, a concept artist must know basic 3Dmodeling. Now that I have learned it, it has reallyopened many doors for me to creatively express
If we look at it from the narrative perspective, thenit is also due to the popular trend in movies andgames these days. I am developing a personal shortanimated film project, and some of its conceptart paintings are in my portfolio â they have darknarratives, because the story demanded it.2da: What made you want to pursue acareer in the digital art industry?WM: I have always loved playing computer games,but I played Prince of Persia and Prince of Persia:The Warrior Within, and got hooked because of thebeautiful cinematics and visuals. I would watchthe cinematics again and again wondering howthey were made; at that time I had no idea howto become a part of this industry. It wasnât untilafter I graduated from college and spent hoursresearching it on the internet that I realized that Ihad always loved creating art and videogames.I got some direction and applied for a degree infine art, but fine art was not the solution for me.It revolved mostly around contemporary art andabstract ideas rather than developing the basicsof realistic painting like perspective, color, values,composition, and so on. I then stopped studying fineDeep jungle
martin jones
(Martin Jones)