2DARTISTMAG.COM2DARTIST MAGAZINE | Design a battle shaman08Back to the costume: Until now Ihave been neglecting work on thefabric elements of the costume, so it is timeto begin establishing the different materials.A good rule of thumb here is that the moresomething resembles polished metal, thehigher the contrast will be in its value range.Apply this theory to the elements around thecharacterâs waist. Though the material may beworn and rough, there is still a layered structureto it, and I begin to imply the effect of leatherover chainmail to the material. You can achievethis texture by using relatively high contrastgrays to imply light catching a metallic surface.09Flipping the canvas: It is easy tobecome blind to your image; you getso used to looking at it you begin to gloss oversome mistakes. An easy way to overcome this isby using the Flip Canvas Horizontal command(found under Image > Image rotation). This is auseful tool to have as it means that you can get afresh look at the image, and it also makes it quiteobvious if you have a one sided composition.``````I use this tool regularly so I have given it acustom hotkey for convenience. SometimesI flip the canvas so much I forget whichway the image originally faced!
10Facial and finer details: At thispoint, begin to work on refiningsome of the more detailed areas of theimage. Make some subtle tweaks to the facialexpression before reworking some of thevalues to better define the facial structure.I now realize that the mass of hair is``````Revisit and redevelop elements of the costume, adding texture and detail``````Regularly use of the Flip Canvas Horizontal command to check for errors that can be hiding in plain sight
martin jones
(Martin Jones)