2D Artist

(Martin Jones) #1

2DARTIST MAGAZINE | ISSUE 129``````95``````By reducing the figure to an abstraction you can double check the pose and proportions``````Localized value work pulls out the detail in the face and elsewhere on the figureoversaturated. To correct this make a quickpass with the Sponge tool, desaturating thecolors to make the red hair less eye-catching.Also begin to establish some of the detailsthat help reinforce the design of the character,such as the medical supplies she carries.11Checking the pose: The more I workon the character, I realize something stillfeels off with the pose. By tracing simple abstractbones over the figure you can see the relationshipbetween the legs and pelvis is incorrect. What isinteresting is that I originally thought it was thelength of the standing leg that was wrong, but it isactually the angle between the pelvis and femurs.It is a common occurrence in drawing, even

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