Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review Pearls of Wisdom

(Elliott) #1

416 Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review •••

❍ What are the odds for a response of metastatic angiosarcoma of the breast to chemotherapy?
Approximately 35%, with rare complete responses. If metastases are amenable to surgical extirpation, surgery
should be attempted first for cure, and chemotherapy and radiation should be reserved for either the immediate
postoperative period or for the next failure.

❍ Does non-Hodgkin lymphoma occur in the breast?
Yes. Many believe this condition to be a part of the lymphomas related to mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue

❍ What is the typical age at presentation for male breast cancer?
The median age is 67 years.

❍ In general terms, what is the prognosis of male breast cancer?
The prognosis is the same for males and females with breast cancer, although men tend to present at later stages
than women.

❍ What is the most important aspect of treatment for fibromatosis of the breast?
The initial wide excision of the lesion.

❍ What characteristics differentiate a granular cell tumor?
Abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, immunoreactivity with S-100 protein, and oval to round cells.

❍ What is the definition of microinvasive carcinoma of the breast?
This refers to a carcinoma that is almost exclusively in situ. However, there are one or more separate foci of early
invasion by tumor. In order to qualify as microinvasion, the foci cannot measure >1 mm in diameter.

❍ What are some immunohistochemical markers associated with the tumor cells in Paget disease of the nipple?
The tumor cells will react with low-molecular weight cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen, and HER2/neu.

❍ What condition can present after trauma to the breast?
Fat necrosis.

❍ Breast cancer accounts for what percentage of all new cases of cancer diagnosed in women?

❍ What is a woman’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer?
12% or 1 in 8.

❍ What are the components of breast cancer screening?
Breast imaging, clinical breast examination, and patient self-screening

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