Sharks The Animal Answer Guide

(backadmin) #1

Mostt human injuries caused by sharks and theirr relatives resultt from provoked attacks involving a shark orr ray
defending itselff againstt careless handling by a person. (((A) A researcherr studying deepwaterr sharks nearr the Azore Is-
lands was handling a 110 - cm ( 3. 6 - ft) Shortnosed Velvett Dogfish (Centrosymnuss cryptacanthus) when itt began thrash-
ing around. The researcherr reported thattits “denticles ripped through my rubberr gloves and lefttme bleeding on the
deck...nothing velvett aboutt it!” (B) A studenttin a fish biology class missed the lecture on the safe way to pick up
a small stingray (by the spiracles) and suffered as a result. (CCC) Two snorkelers in shallow waterr in the Florida Keys
encountered a small Nurse Shark lying on the bottom. One diverr picked itt up and threw ittatt his buddy, att which time
the shark latched on to the second diver’s thigh.A, photo courtesy offMaria Pickering;B, photo by Gene Helfman;C, photo courtesy of
Adam Doss
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