Sharks The Animal Answer Guide

(backadmin) #1

The surfboard ridden by Bethany Hamilton when she was attacked by a Tiger Shark in Hawaii in 2003. The ruler is 1
ft ( 30 cm) long. The circumference of the bite on the board was 645 mm. Entering this number into an equation that
calculates shark length from bite circumference for Tiger Sharks gives a minimum shark size of about 4. 5 m ( 14. 8 ft).
Photo by Randy Honebrink; used with permission of Randy Honebrink and Dayv Lowry

Cutting up a 10 -m ( 33 -ft), 8 -ton Whale Shark with a chain saw. Whale Shark meat and fins are highly regarded in
many Asian countries, where the animal is called Tofu Shark. Whale Shark meat has sold for as much US$ 15 /kg ($ 7 /
lb), with fins from a single animal bringing US$ 400 –$ 500. Although Whale Sharks are protected in many countries
and their international trade is restricted, fisheries for the animal still exist in many locales.Photo © Wenn; source unknown

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