Sharks The Animal Answer Guide

(backadmin) #1

The number of sharks, skates, and rays caught in commercial fisheries has steadily increased in the past 50 years as
shark products (meat, fins) have become more desirable. The reported numbers may represent only half of what is
actually killed. The reproductive rate of most sharks is insufficient to keep up with the increase, with the result that
many species appear to be in decline.Data from U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization; original graph by Chris Huh, http://en.wikipedia

A 2 -m ( 6. 5 -ft) Scalloped Hammer-
head sinks slowly to the bottom off
Cocos Island, Costa Rica. Its fins
have been cut off, and the shark has
been tossed overboard still alive, but
it cannot survive or defend itself for
long.Photo courtesy of Jeff Rotman, www
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