RNA Detection

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3.5 Signal Detection
and Mounting

Detection of amplified in situ signal is dependent on the desired
chemistry and probe design. Here we describe the detection of
conjugated HRP-based green probe directed against microRNA-
101a and AP-based Fast Red probes designed to detectfosab
mRNA (Fig.4). Red and green signals are detected sequentially.

  1. Add ~200μL of the freshly prepared Red working solution
    directly to the sections and incubate for 30 min at room tem-
    perature. Cover the entire humidified chamber with aluminum
    foil to keep the slides in the dark.

  2. Tap slides on a stack of paper towels to remove as much of the
    detection solution as possible. Transfer slides directly into a
    Coplin jar with 1PBT buffer. Agitate by moving slides up and
    down during the 2 min wash. Repeat this wash for a total of
    three times.

  3. Remove excess liquid by tapping slides on a stack of paper

  4. For detection of HRP-Green, add ~200μL of freshly prepared
    Green working solution to slides. Cover the humidified cham-
    ber and wrap with aluminum foil. Incubate for 10 min at room

  5. Tap slides on a stack of paper towels to remove as much of the
    detection solution as possible.

  6. Transfer slides directly into a Coplin jar with reverse osmosis
    water. Agitate by moving slides up and down during the 2 min
    wash. Repeat this wash for a total of three times.

  7. Remove excess liquid by tapping slides on a stack of paper
    towels (seeNote 15).

  8. Dry slides in a hybridization oven at 60C for 30 min. It is
    critical that slides are completely dry.

  9. Immerse slides into 100% CitriSolv in a Coplin jar.

Fig. 4RNAscope ISH detection of microRNA-101 and fosab with RNAscope probes. Uninjured and regenerat-
ing zebrafish hearts were extracted and cryosectioned at 10μm and hybridized with either a negative control
or microRNA-101a (green) or fosab (red) probes. Scale bar¼ 50 μm

ISH Detection of MicroRNA and Target Gene mRNAs 205
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