RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1

  1. Resuspend cDNA pellet in 8μL of freshly prepared circulariza-
    tion mix and transfer to 0.2 mL PCR tubes.

  2. Incubate for 1 h at 60C.

  3. Add 30μL of freshly prepared cut oligo mix to each PCR tube

  4. Anneal the cut oligo with the following program:

(a) 95 C 2 min
(b) 95 Cto25C ramp 20 s for eachoC
(c) 25 C Forever

  1. Add 2μL of BamH1 to each PCR tube and incubate with the
    following program:

(a) 37 C 30 min
(b) 80 C 5 min
(c) 25 C Forever

  1. Transfer samples to new low-bind 1.5 mL microcentrifuge

  2. Add 350μL TE buffer, 0.75μL GlycoBlue, and 40 μL3
    sodium acetate pH 5.5, and mix. Add 1 mL of ice-cold 100%
    ethanol, mix again, then precipitate overnight at 20 C.

3.11 cDNA Library

  1. Spin samples for 20 min at 4C and>18,000g.

  2. Remove supernatant leaving ~50μL around blue pellet. Add
    1 mL of ice-cold 80% Ethanol (do not resuspend) and spin
    samples for additional 10 min at 4C and>18,000g.

  3. Carefully remove all supernatant. Use a P10 pipette tip for last
    fewμL of supernatant around pellet.

  4. Air-dry pellet at room temperature for 5 min with lid opened.

  5. Resuspend the cDNA pellet in 22μL nuclease-free water

  6. Add 1μL of resuspended cDNA to 9μL of test-PCR mix.

  7. Perform test PCR with the following program:

Time: Cycles:
(a) 94 C 2 min 1
(b) 94 C15s
65 C 30 s 20/25
68 C30s
(c) 68 C 3 min 1
(d) 25 C Hold Hold

iCLIP to Determine Protein-RNA Interactions 445
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