RNA Detection

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Important: Following the PCR, do not open PCR tubes in
same room where iCLIP library preparations (i.e., all steps
before step 8 of Subheading3.11) were carried out. All
post-PCR analysis and storage needs to be carried out in
separate room to avoid amplicon contamination.

  1. Assemble the XCell III gel system according to manufacturer’s
    instructions using a 6% TBE gel and TBE running buffer.

  2. Add 2μLof6loading dye to each PCR sample and 10μLof
    1:30 low molecular weight marker. Load 12μL of samples/
    ladder into gel wells.

  3. Run gel for 30 min at 180 V

  4. Remove gel from cassette and stain for 5 min in SYBR Safe in
    TBE buffer. Visualize using appropriate imager (Fig.4a). The
    P5/P3 primers account for 128 nt of PCR product. Appropri-
    ate PCR band sizes are therefore:

Fig. 4cDNA library PCRs. (a) Example of final library PCR (steps 13– 17 of Subheading3.11) showing low,
medium, and high bands. Both a low RNase sample and a no UV control sample are shown. (b) Example of a
cDNA library amplified with different PCR cycle numbers.Red boxesindicate secondary spurious products that
migrate at a higher molecular weight to the expected products

446 Christopher R. Sibley

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