RNA Detection

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Band size: Insert size:
(a) Low 145–155 nt 18–28 nt
(b) Medium 155–175 nt 28–48 nt
(c) High 175–225 nt 48–98 nt

Optional: Steps 6–11 of Subheading3.11 can be repeated
with adjusted cycling conditions to optimize cDNA library
amplification (seeNotes 25 and 26).

  1. Once optimal PCR conditions are determined, add 10μLof
    resuspended cDNA to 30μL of final-PCR mix:

  2. Perform final PCR with the following program using one cycle
    less than optimal test-PCR (seeNote 27):

Time: Cycles:
(a) 94 C 2 min 1
(b) 94 C15s
65 C 30 s Test PCR-1
68 C30s
(c) 68 C 3 min 1
(d) 25 C Hold Hold

  1. Assemble the XCell III gel system according to manufacturer’s
    instructions using a 6% TBE gel and TBE running buffer.

  2. Add 2μLof6loading dye to 10μL aliquots of each final PCR
    sample and 10μL of 1:30 low molecular weight marker. Load
    12 μL of samples/ladder into gel wells.

  3. Run gel for 30 min at 180 V.

  4. Remove gel from cassette and stain for 5 min in SYBR Safe in
    TBE buffer. Visualize using appropriate imager.
    Optional: If sample is under-amplified then remaining
    PCR samples can be returned to thermocycler for 1–2
    additional cycles before proceeding.

  5. Once optimal final PCR cycling number is confirmed then
    repeat final PCR (steps 13and 14 of Subheading3.11) using
    appropriate cycle number. Pool final PCRs together.

  6. If PCR products are of correct size then aliquots of different
    sized PCR products can be combined in ratio of 1:5:5
    (Low–Medium–High), or 1:1 (Medium–High) if no low
    band is included.

3.12 Library

  1. Prepare a 1:10 dilution of the final library, and then make serial
    dilutions to obtain 1:100, 1:1000, and 1:10,000 samples.

iCLIP to Determine Protein-RNA Interactions 447
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