Imaging in Stem Cell Transplant and Cell-based Therapy

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


increased left ventricular thickness, and improve electrical stability following in situ
regeneration of cardiac, smooth muscle, and endothelial tissue throughout the
4-week follow-up period [ 83 ].

7.9 Conclusion

Given their lineage commitment to cardiac cell phenotype, undoubtedly, CSCs con-
stitute a powerful form of therapy for cardiac repair. However, there is definitely
something in the niche of heart that hinders the differentiation of cardiac precursors
into new functional cardiomyocytes. Thus, an identification of these factors is requi-
site to stimulate both endogenous cardiac repair and in vitro expansion of CSCs that
can be subsequently used for transplantation studies. Long-term objectives of CSC
therapy include optimization of dosages and route of administration, improved sur-
vival cell survival and engraftment with electromechanical integration into the heart,
hampering of adverse myocardial remodeling and significant improvement in con-
tractility of the diseased heart. Moreover, it is also worthwhile to further investigate
the role and underlying mechanisms of endogenous c-kit+ CSC-mediated in physio-
logical cardiac repair. An amalgamation of basic and clinical studies would be criti-
cal to reap the fruits from CSC-mediated therapy on clinical platforms. The targets
are challenging and strenuous but not impossible and absolutely worthwhile.


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