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1   Respect yourself    and fill    your    mind    with    positive    information.
Self discipline involves self respect. A
human body is created with great mastery
and you will know when something is o
balance. Understand your body messages
and treat it well. Exercise or do meditation
to get the balance of mind and body. Also,
you must nurture your mind by soaking it
with positive and engaging information.
Read books, engage in meaningful
discussions, avoid negative conversations and people, and listen to
soothing, joyful and boosting music rather than watching television
and lling your mind with all the negativity and commercialism.
It is essential to feel connected to something greater than you. By
meditation, praying or spending time with nature you can connect
with the Almighty. It helps in making decisions for greater good
and not just for something that feels good in that moment.
2 Eat healthy food at regular intervals.
People don’t know that your hunger has a direct link with your
self-discipline and it’s generally observed that when you’re hungry,
your ability to think and operate is adversely aected. In that
situation, you generally won’t have a control over the brain, and
as a result, you will certainly nd it dicult to execute even the
simplest of the task with utmost perfection.
So, whenever you’re on the receiving end of such problems, do
remember to eat healthy food, that too at regular intervals that lets
you help you get a control over oneself.
You become disciplined from the time you start taking care for
yourself. When you treat your body well, it helps you in reaching
and accomplishing amazing goals.
3 Value your time.
You must value your time with your work, family and self. Make
generous space in your life for each of the zones. Schedule your
family time and personal time similar to how you schedule your
work time and other responsibilities.
4 Prepare written schedule.
When you prepare a written schedule and add everything to it,
you generate priorities and sticking to your priorities will help you
develop self discipline. Writing down helps you to remember your
priority and not miss out anything.
5 Build the will to succeed, one step at a time.
Many people want to develop self discipline by bringing drastic
changes in their lives. However one must know that this can lead
to failure and can have damaging consequences. You must make
small changes in your life with things and not completely change
everything at once. Simple and small is the key to mastering the
art of self discipline. If you are struggling and don’t understand
how to make small and simple goals, take one thing at a time and
work on it.


e art of Self-discipline is the set of actions
that help you develop a total control over life
by employing various perspectives. No one is
born with the ability to have a complete control
over oneself. It is something that you succeed at
only aer making certain sacrices from your
end. Self-discipline is a habit that matures with
practice and ultimately shapes you to lead a
happy and healthy lifestyle. With self discipline,
you will understand self potential. Another
benet from self discipline is that you will learn
to focus more and pay attention to what is a
priority to you without getting distracted. You
might get frustrated in the process of maturing
as a self-disciplined person, but, trust it’s totally
worth it.
If you are interested in developing a mastery
over the art of self-discipline, then here’s a list of
things that you’d have to do.



Ways to master

the art of


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