
(backadmin) #1
6   Set realistic   and achievable  goals.
People make the biggest mistake by setting goals that
are next to impossible to achieve for them, just for the
sake of developing self discipline. You need to learn to
set realistic goals and set milestones for the long term
goals to improve self discipline. It will help you to easily
monitor your progress and boosts you up for further
7 Stop procrastination.
Your delayed actions can cause you to miss out on
crucial opportunities. Procrastination is one fatal habit
that can get you totally messed up and close the doors
for your future development. Instead of delaying the
activities, start executing them and try to nish them
o within the given duration.
8 Make a daily checklist.
It is helpful to create a daily to
do list, to help you exercise self
discipline. You never miss a
thing in your routine and it helps
you to make sure you are doing
everything without your mood
coming in the way. Ensure each
day that you complete each of the mentioned tasks.
9 Reward yourself on success.
You must reward yourself when you master self
discipline in a thing and accomplished that goal.
Watch a movie in the weekend or treat yourself with a
delightful meal. To encourage yourself more, think of a
reward that is very stimulating for you and which you
would do anything for.

10 Understand your priorities.
You will need to prioritize your activities in order
to develop a total control over yourself. Prioritizing
helps you in multitasking as well, by letting you assign
proper time for each task until its completion. Having
a denite set of action plan contributes a lot to the
self-discipline. Mind you, prioritizing isn’t an easy
task. You will have to give up on a lot of activities in
order to execute your plans in a timely manner. You
should be able to understand the biggest priority in
your life in that moment to help you motivate properly.
Contemplate what is important to you in your life and
rectify your priorities list.

11 Keep a check on your emotions and Speak to yourself.
No matter how strenuous your situation might be,
always keep your emotions in check. Do not let your
emotions get the better of you under any circumstances.

It might seem as a humongous move at rst, but,
you will have to keep your emotions under control
amidst the most gruelling situations. Don’t hurt
yourself when you fail. Never curse yourself or let
yourself be swamped with hurtful feelings when you
fail in your quest to develop self discipline. ere are
always bad times and mistakes can happen by any
person, no one is perfect. You are only going to learn
self discipline when you gather your senses and learn
from your mistakes.
When you self communicate just to criticize yourself, it
can be self destroying. But when you use the technique
to boost up your energy, motivate and encourage going
on with something, you will nd many advantages of
this technique.
12 Read inspiring stories.
Many times, when you read success
stories or the inspirational account
of success, you receive motivation
and drive to go on. Engross in
other’s success stories and you are
more likely to follow your own goals
with courage and determination.
13 Remove temptation and get rid of destructive habits.
All have those vulnerability triggers that make them
weak and lead to failure. Perhaps it could be some
distraction, hunger or sleepiness. Recognize and get
rid of the triggers. If you stay up late, spend lot of time
surng then it is time for you to get rid of these habits
or your self-discipline strive is going to suer. A lot
of lack of discipline come from giving up to simple
14 Recheck your goals.
If you are stuck with the same situation then perhaps
your goal is not motivating or exciting enough for you.
May be you need to make changes in your goals or
change a goal completely. Recheck each goal and settle
for what works for you.
15 Be consistent with your daily steps.
You must always persist looking forward and moving
in a forward direction. Never look back or take any step
backwards. Make all your steps eective in reaching a
step forward to your ultimate goal.
e above tips can be very useful and eective with
proper implementation and you will ultimately begin
seeing changes in your life that are leading you to self
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