Human Physiology, 14th edition (2016)

(Tina Sui) #1
I-18 Index

Lactate dehydrogenase, 91t
Lactate threshold, 379, 570–571
Lactation, 321, 518, 746–748, 747–748f
Lacteal, central, 629
Lactic acid
blood pH and, 30
carboxyl group of, 31, 32f
in Cori cycle, 117–118, 118f
as energy source, 123, 125, 125t, 669
exercise and, 125, 379, 382
formation of, 109–110, 110f
in gluconeogenesis, 123
myocardial ischemia and, 110, 439
Lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH), 91, 117, 439
Lactic acid fermentation, 109, 110
Lactic acid pathway, 109–110, 110f
Lactiferous duct, 746, 748
Lactose, 34, 630, 650
Lactose intolerance, 97t, 630
Lacunae, 16
Lamellae, 16
Lamellated corpuscles. See Pacinian corpuscles
Lamina propria, 621
Laminar flow, 479
Landsteiner, Karl, 5t
Langerhans, islets of. See Pancreatic islets
Langerhans cells, 511
Langley, John, 5t
cerebral areas involved in, 218, 218f
recovery after brain injury, 218
Lanoxin (digoxin), 427
Lansoprazole (Prevacid), 627
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 642
Laplace, law of, 539, 539f
Large intestine, 621, 632–636, 633–634f
Laron dwarfism, 689
Larynx, 536, 536f
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), 297
Laser lithotripsy, 584
LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), 297
Lasix (furosemide), 612
Last Korotkoff sound, 480
Latch state, 396
Late distal convoluted tubule, 605
Latent period, between stimulus and contraction, 374
Lateral corticospinal tracts, 233, 234t, 390
Lateral geniculate nuclei, 226, 306, 308
Lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), 231–232
Lateral inhibition, 273, 274f
Lateralization, cerebral, 209, 210f, 216–217, 217f
Lateral lemniscus, 288
Lateral prefrontal area, 224
Lateral spinothalamic tract, 233t, 272
all-or-none, 176, 176f
Boyle’s, 538
complementary base pairing, 45–46, 65, 73
conservation of energy, 97
Dalton’s, 547
Frank–Starling law of the heart, 453, 453f, 454
Henry’s, 548
of Laplace, 539, 539f
of mass action, 94, 566
Poiseuille’s, 464
specific nerve energies, 268–269
thermodynamics, 97–98, 134
L chains, 504, 505f
L cones, 303, 303f
LDH (lactic acid dehydrogenase), 91, 117

Kainate receptors, 194
Kallikrein, 417
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 497
Kennedy, John F., 338
K^1 equilibrium potential, 150–151, 150f
Keratin, 14, 44
Keratinized epithelium, 13t, 14, 14f
Keratinocytes, 20
Ketoacidosis, 38, 122
Keto acids, 122–123
Ketogenesis, 117t, 346
a-Ketoglutaric acid, 122f, 123
Ketone bodies, 38, 38f, 121–122, 641
Ketones, 31, 32f
Ketonuria, 122
Ketosis, 38, 122
Kidney disease, 586, 613
Kidneys, 581–614
acid-base balance regulation, 608–610, 609f, 610 t
altitude and, 572
blood flow to, 602f, 603
blood vessels in, 585–586, 585f
blood volume regulation by, 459–462, 462–463f
countercurrent multiplier system, 592–595,
dialysis and, 134, 134f, 613
electrolyte balance and, 604–606, 605f
endocrine functions of, 318t
extracellular compartment, regulation of, 21
function tests for, 611, 613
glomerular filtration, 587–589f, 587–590, 590t
osmolality of, 596, 596f
plasma clearance in, 598–604, 600f, 601–602t,
reabsorption of salt and water by, 590–598, 591f
size and weight of, 582
structure and function of, 582–583f, 582–587,
Kidney stones, 584
Killed vaccines, 517
Killer (cytotoxic) T lymphocytes, 507–508, 511–512,
511–513f, 519–520
Kilocalories, 98, 662
Kinases, 91, 329
Kinesins, 57, 164
Kinetochore, 76
Kinocilium, 280
Kisspeptins, 710
Kleinfelter’s syndrome, 705
Knee-jerk reflex, 238, 388, 388f
Knockout mice, 75
Korotkoff sounds, 480, 480f
Korsakoff’s syndrome, 220
Krebs, Hans, 5t
Krebs cycle, 107, 111–112, 112–113f
Kupffer cells, 495–496, 636
Kwashiorkor, 689

Labia majora, 706, 724
Labia minora, 724
Labioscrotal swellings, 706
Labor, 8, 333, 352, 744–746, 745f
Lacrimal (tear) glands, 15
Lactase, 630, 631t, 651 t
Lactate. See Lactic acid

Intrinsic sensory neurons, 622
Introns, 66, 67
Inulin, renal clearance of, 600–602, 600f, 613
In vitro drug studies, 4
In vitro fertilization, 736, 737f
In vivo drug studies, 4
Iodine, 343, 665t
Iodine-deficiency goiters, 343, 343f
Ion channels
in action potentials, 174–178, 175f
chemically regulated, 183, 185–189
gated, 135f, 136, 173–174, 173f
inactivation of, 173f, 174, 175, 176, 177
in neurotransmission, 182–183, 182f, 185–189
in resting membrane potential, 152–153, 152f,
voltage-gated, 174, 183
Ion currents, 172
Ion gating, 135f, 136, 173–174, 173f
Ionic bonds, 27–28, 28f
Ionic compounds, 27
Ionization, of water molecules, 29
Ions, 27
Ipsilateral, 385
iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells, 739
IPSPs (inhibitory postsynaptic potentials), 183, 184f,
188, 200–201
Iris, 291t, 292
Irisin, 383
daily requirements for, 412, 665t, 668
in heme, 408, 559
recycling of, 408, 411–412
Iron-deficiency anemia, 408
Irritability, of neurons, 172
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 635
Irritant receptors, 558
Ischemic heart disease, 110, 439, 440f
Ischemic strokes, 200, 440
Islets of Langerhans. See Pancreatic islets
Isoenzymes, 91, 92
Isoleucine, 122t
Isomerases, 91
Isometric contractions, 376
Isosmotic solutions, 140
Isosomotic, 590
Isotonic contractions, 375
Isotonic solutions, 140, 141f
Isotopes, 26
Isotropic (I) bands, 361
Isovolumetric contraction, 423
Isovolumetric relaxation, 423
Isthmus, 341
Itch, receptors for, 271

Jaundice, 564, 640
Jejunum, 629
Jenner, Edward, 514–515
Jet lag, 349
Joggers high, 197
Journals, peer-reviewed, 3–4
Jumping genes, 63
Junctional complexes, 14, 147, 148f
Juvenile-onset diabetes, 681
Juxtaglomerular apparatus, 461, 589,
606–607, 607f
Juxtamedullary nephrons, 586

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