Human Physiology, 14th edition (2016)

(Tina Sui) #1
Index I-19

Locked-in syndrome, 230
Loewi, Otto, 5t, 181
Long-acting beta agonists, 545
Long-term depression (LTD), 197, 199–200, 223–224
Long-term memory, 220, 222
Long-term potentiation (LTP), 199–200, 222,
223 f, 224
Loop diuretics, 611t, 612
Loop of Henle, 586, 592–593, 593f
Loose connective tissue, 16, 16f
Losartan, 462
Loudness of sound, 283
Lou Gehrig’s disease, 200, 385
Low capacity receptors, 323
Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), 438, 654
Lower esophageal sphincter, 624
Lower motor neurons, 385, 385t, 554
LPS (lipopolysaccharides), 495, 510
LSD, 192
LTD (long-term depression), 197, 199–200, 223–224
LTP (long-term potentiation), 199–200, 222, 223f, 224
Lub-dub sound, of heart, 420
Lucentis (ranibizumab), 435
Lumbar nerves, 236
Lumbar plexus, 236f
Lumen, 12, 144
Luminance, 307
Lung cancer, 546
Lung compliance, 538
Lungs. See also Respiratory system; Ventilation
capacities of, 542–544
carbon dioxide transport and, 565–567, 566f
compliance of, 538
disorders, 544
elasticity of, 538
function tests for, 542–544, 542t, 543–544f
gas exchange in, 547–549f, 547–553, 548t,
oxygen transport and, 559–565
physical properties of, 538–539
receptors in, 558
surface tension in, 538–540, 540f
ventilation/perfusion rations, 550–552, 552f
volumes and capacities, 541f, 542–544, 542t, 543 f
Lung tissue, 534, 534f
Lupus, 521, 522t, 523
Luteal phase, of menstrual cycle, 730–731
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
actions of, 319t, 332, 332t, 334
anabolic steroids and, 322
in male reproductive system, 322, 709, 713–714,
713 f, 715, 718
in menopause, 734
in menstrual cycle, 336, 349, 728–731, 729f, 732 t
in ovulation, 8, 726, 729–730
positive feedback control of, 8
puberty and, 710
secretion of, 322, 335–336, 709–710, 727
Luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, 8, 336, 729
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone(LHRH), 196t
Luteolysin, 731
Luteotropin. See Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Luvox, 192
Lymph, 406, 443
Lymphatic capillaries, 443, 443f
Lymphatic ducts, 443
Lymphatic system, 405–406, 442–444, 443–444f
Lymphatic vessels, 406
Lymph ducts, 443
Lymphedema, 443

as energy reserve, 119, 669
explanation of, 36
inborn errors of metabolism, 97t
ketone bodies, 38, 38f
metabolism of, 119–121, 120–121f
as neurotransmitters, 196t
neutral, 36
normal range in blood, 6t
phospholipids, 38–39, 39f, 53
prostaglandins, 40, 40f
saturated, 36, 37, 37f
steroid hormones, 40, 40f
subcutaneous, 671
unsaturated, 36, 37f
visceral, 671
Lipitor, 438
Lipogenesis, 117t, 120
Lipolysis, 117t, 120, 121, 346
Lipophilic hormone receptors, 323–325
Lipophilic hormones, 320
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), 495, 510
Lipoprotein lipase, 653
Lipoproteins. See also Cholesterol; Phospholipids
atherosclerosis and, 437–438
high-density, 438, 654
low-density, 438, 654
structure of, 44, 437–438, 438f
very-low-density, 438, 654
Lipoxygenase, 351
Lisinopril, 462
L-isomers, 32, 32f
Lithotripsy, 584
bile production and secretion by, 638–639, 638t,
blood detoxication by, 640–641
blood flow to, 637, 638f
cirrhosis of, 138, 637
Cori cycle and, 117–119, 118f
detoxication of blood by, 640–641
endocrine functions of, 318t
endoplasmic reticulum of, 61
energy sources for, 123, 125t
enterohepatic circulation in, 638, 638f
enzyme activation of, 94
excretion by, 638, 638t, 639
fatty, 636
functions of, 638–641, 639f
in gastrointestinal tract, 621
glucose production in, 117, 118
metabolism in, 117–119, 118–119f, 641
peroxisomes, 58
phagocytosis in, 495–496
plasma protein production by, 641
regeneration of, 637
secretions of, 15, 641
structure of, 636–638, 637–638f
Liver enzyme tests, 123
Liver fibrosis, 637
Liver lobules, 637–638, 638f
Live vaccines, 517
Loading reactions, 561
liver, 637–638, 638f
mammary glands, 746, 747f
pancreas, 643
Local anesthetics, 175
Local inflammation, 500–502, 500t, 501–502f
Local signaling, 154
Lock-and-key model of enzyme activity, 89, 90f

LDLs (low-density lipoproteins), 438, 654
Leader sequence, 70
Leakage channels, 173
long-term potentiation and, 199–200
neural stem cells in, 209, 224
Leber’s hereditary neuropathy, 59
Lecithin, 39, 39f, 540, 638, 652–653
Left hemisphere, of brain, 209, 210f
Left inferior frontal lobe, 221
Leiomyomas, 723
Lemniscus, lateral, 288
Lengthening contractions, 376
Length-tension relationship, in muscle contraction,
376–377, 377f
Lens, 290, 291t, 292–293, 295, 295–296f
Lentiform nucleus, 215
Leonardo da Vinci, 217
Leprosy, 33
Leptin, 197, 671, 673–674, 673f, 712, 733
Lesion studies, of brain, 219
Lethal injections, 152
Leucine, 122t
Leukemia, 409, 497
Leukocytes, 405, 407, 408–409, 409f
Leukocytosis, 409
Leukopenia, 409
Leukopoiesis, 409–410, 411
Leukotriene receptor antagonists, 545
Leukotrienes, 351, 351f, 524
Levator muscles, 360t
Levi-Montalcini, Rita, 5t
Levodopa, 171, 193, 216
Lewy bodies, 216
Leydig cells, See Interstitial cells
LH. See Luteinizing hormone
LHA (lateral hypothalamic area), 231–232
LHRH (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone), 196t
Lidocaine, 175, 426
Lieberkühn, crypts of, 629
Life cycle
cells, 74–75, 74f
human, 702, 702f
Ligaments, 16, 44
Ligand-binding domain, 324
Ligand-regulated gates, 183, 185, 186f
Ligands, 75, 183
absorption maximum, 299, 303
in eye, 293–294, 300–304, 302f, 304–305f
melatonin secretion and, 347–348
refraction of, 294, 294–295f
ultraviolet, 18–19, 76, 290, 290f
visible, 290, 290f
Limbic system, 219–220, 219f, 224, 261
Linear acceleration, 279
Linoleic acid, 666
Linolenic acid, 37f, 666
hormone-sensitive, 680
lipoprotein, 653
pancreatic, 643, 649, 652
salivary, 652
Lipids. See also Triglycerides
atherosclerosis and, 436–437, 437f
body. See Adipocytes; Adipose tissue
breakdown of, 120–121
conversion of glucose into, 119, 119f
digestion and absorption of, 652–654, 653–654f, 655 t
emulsification of, 652, 653f

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