Social Work for Sociologists: Theory and Practice

(Tuis.) #1

182 ● Index

Austin, Wendy, 146
Australia, 9, 18–19, 30, 75, 123
Austrin, Terry, 22
autonomy, ethical dilemmas and, 59

Bacallao, Martica L., 103
Bach, Rebecca, 85, 157
Bakir, Nadia, 112
Baltimore Charities Organization
Society, 12
Bandura, Albert, 160
Banks, Sarah, 18, 36, 37, 49–55, 146
Bannister, Robert C., 11, 14, 16
Barnett, Henrietta, 13
Barnett, Samuel, 13
Bauwens, Jennifer, 146
Beck, Aaron, 129, 133, 136
Beck, Ulrich, 68, 69
Beddoe, Liz, 58, 152
behavior modification and cognitive
restructuring theory, 126, 132,
133, 136
beneficence, ethical dilemmas and, 59
Bennett, Milton, 110, 112
Bentley, Tim, 142, 151
Beresford, Peter, 37
Berg, Insoo Kim, 31–32, 76
Berger, Peter L., 159
Berry, John W., 107–108
bicultural frameworks, 3, 19, 39–40,
configurations of, 113–116
definitions and origins of, 103–106
multiculturalism and monoculturalism
and, 104, 107–109, 172–173
vs. working biculturally, 109–112
See also Māori, biculturalism and
biculturalism, 87, 88, 89
ally concept in, 114–115, 173
definition of, 103–106
vs. working biculturally, 109–112
Bishop, Anne, 111, 112, 114–115, 173
Bolman, Lee, 151, 152
Booth, Charles, 13

Boston, Jonathon, 124
Bourdieu, Pierre, 29
Bradbury-Jones, Caroline, 70
brainstorming, 97–98
Braithwaite, John, 125
Braverman, Mark, 147, 150
Braye, Suzy, 55, 56, 57
Breckinridge, Sophinisba, 14, 15
Broadhurst, Karen, 69
Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 33
Buckley, Helen, 72
bullying and mobbing, 5, 147–151,
152, 172
Burawoy, Michael, 21, 157
Burgess, Adam, 69
Burke, Beverly, 35, 37
burnout, 144, 146

Calhoun, Craig J., 12, 13, 16, 21
Canada, 75, 103–104
Caplan, Robert D., 144
Carmichael, Teresa, 145–146
casework/psychotherapeutic social work
approaches, 12, 18, 53
Central Committee for Education and
Training in Social Work, 158
Chapple, Simon, 123
charity organization societies, 12
Chenoweth, Lesley, 55, 56
Chevalier Hostel (Fiji), 87–88, 96
child abuse, 67–68, 71, 79–80
child focused orientation, 71–72
child poverty, 123, 124
Child Poverty Monitor project
(Aotearoa/New Zealand), 124
child protection orientation, 71–72
Children’s Commissioner’s Expert
Advisory Group (Aotearoa/New
Zealand), 124
child welfare work, 67–81
case study in, 77–78
vs. child focused orientation, 71–72
vs. child protection orientation, 71
at Hull House, 13
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