Social Work for Sociologists: Theory and Practice

(Tuis.) #1
Index ● 187

Leiter, Michael P., 148
Leka, Stavroula, 147
Lengermann, Patricia, 13, 15, 16
Levin, Irene, 13
Levine, Hal B., 105
Lewin, Roger, 151
Lewis, Joanne, 134
liberal/neoliberal theory, 127–128, 134
Liefooghe, Andreas, 150
life model of social work, 33–34
literature reviews, 162
Littlechild, Brian, 142
Lloyd, Claire, 116
Lorenz, Walter, 21
Lowe, Tony B., 142
Ludick, Marné, 145–146
Lutgen-Sandvik, Pamela, 148
Lymbery, Mark, 57

Macdonald, Geraldine, 73
Macdonald, Kenneth, 73
Mackenzie Davey, Kate, 150
macrosystem level, 33–34
Magalhães, António, 21
mana (respect) in indigenous social
work framework, 40, 55
Māori, biculturalism and, 103–117
ally model in, 115
configurations of, 113–116
multiculturalism and, 107–109
origins of, 104–106
social workers and advocates for,
106–107, 111
vs. working biculturally, 109–112
See also bicultural frameworks
Māori people, 2–3
child poverty among, 123
indigenous frameworks and, 39–40
language of, 3, 40, 105, 106, 109,
110, 111, 113
Mariott, Lisa, 109
Marsh, Peter, 41, 42
Maslach, Christina, 148
Maslow, Abraham, 131

Massey University (Aotearoa/New
Zealand), 18
mauri ora (well-being), 55
McAuliffe, Donna, 55, 56
McCann, I. Lisa, 141
McCarthy, Catherine, 145
McMahon, Anthony, 19
McTighe, John P., 146
Meagher, Gabrielle, 21
media attention
on child welfare cases, 67, 69, 73, 80
social problems created through,
men, 10, 14, 19
Mesny, Anne, 85
mesosystem level, 33–34
meta-ethics, 50–51
Miall, Hugh, 149
micropratice approaches, 18
microsystem level, 33–34
Middleman, Ruth, 93
mihimihi (introduction of oneself ),
111, 113
Milkman, Harvey, 130
Mills, C. Wright, 17, 68, 88, 121, 159
Mills, John Stuart, 54
Minahan, Anne, 34
mobbing and bullying, 5, 147–151,
152, 172
monoculturalism, 104, 108–109
Montilla, R. Esteban, 112
morality, 17, 37
See also ethics
Morris, Kate, 28, 73, 80
multiculturalism, 104, 107–109,
See also bicultural frameworks
multiethnic societies, 108
Munford, Robyn, 9, 18, 31, 32, 39–40,
45, 46
Munro, Eileen, 70

Namie, Gary, 148, 149, 150
Namie, Ruth, 148, 149, 150
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