Social Work for Sociologists: Theory and Practice

(Tuis.) #1

188 ● Index

narrative therapy, 31–32
Nash, Mary, 9, 18, 19
Neighborhood Guild (New York
settlement), 13
New Zealand. See Aotearoa/New
New Zealand Constitution Act (1852),
Niebrugge, Gillian, 13, 15, 16
Nissen, Maria Appel, 122
Nobel Peace Prize, 14
normative ethics, 50–51
Northen, Helen, 93
Nzira, Viola, 127, 128

objectivity (value neutrality), 14–15,
16–17, 20, 48
occupational groups, shared values in, 50
O’Connor, Ian, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59–60,
Oppenheimer, Martin, 16, 17
oppression, biculturalism and, 114–115
O’Reilly, Tom, 104
Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development, 123
organizational rules, 52, 56, 151–153

Pacific Island peoples, 86–87
child poverty among, 123
diversity of, 114
group work with young, 5, 95–100
structural disadvantages for, 95–96
Pākehā (white New Zealanders), 3, 103,
bicultural work with, 113–114
monoculturalism of, 104–105
Palm, Kathleen, 129, 130
Paris, Anna, 158, 165
Parker, Jonathan, 160
participation/democracy theory, 37,
133, 135
Parton, Nigel, 71, 75
Payne, Malcolm, 28, 33, 35–36, 41–42,
90, 122–126, 129–131, 134

Pearlman, Laurie A., 141
Pearson, Adria, 129, 130
Pedraza, Silvia, 17
Pelka, Daniel, 79
Perri, 6, 122
personal vs. political, 53
perspectives, 124–125, 126
Pettit, Philip, 125
Pihama, Leonie, 40
Pincus, Allen, 34
Plummer, Kenneth, 20, 48
policy orientation, risk in, 70–72, 73
Pon, Gordon, 111
Postle, Karen, 56, 57
poverty, 15
definition of, 123
of families and children, 123–124
settlement movements and, 13
anti-oppressive and empowerment
approaches, 4, 19, 27, 34–36, 57,
111, 112
monoculturalism and, 108
power-with vs. power-over, 111, 112,
114, 115
workplace violence and, 147,
See also social worker/client
relationships, client empowerment in
praxis, 5, 124–126, 171
frameworks and, 28
historical deviation from in
sociology, 10
public sociology and, 16–17
social work imagination and, 121
University of Chicago scholars
dividing it from theorizing,
Preston-Shoot, Michael, 55, 56, 57
privilege, identifying, 115
professional competence/accountability
skills, 57
professionalization, 16
psychology, 12
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