AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Autoradiography film: commercially available.

  2. Film fixative and developer: commercially available.

  3. Automated film developer (optional) or two plastic trays: must
    be large enough to accommodate the autoradiography film.

3 Methods

3.1 Identification
of Proteins Containing
AMPK Consensus

  1. Install R statistical software from the comprehensive R archive
    network (CRAN) (

  2. Once R is installed, install and open RStudio (https://www.

  3. Operating within RStudio, the following packages should be
    installed by entering the following lines of code at the console
    (seeNotes 5and 6 ):


  1. Load required libraries by running the following code at the
    console in RStudio (seeNote 7):

library(Biostrings); library(data.table); library(stringr); library(biomaRt)

  1. Download proteomes from ensemble:
    Files downloaded from
    data/ftp/index.html. Other proteome sources can be used; how-
    ever, the files need to be organized in FASTA format. Alternatively,
    the human GRCh38 proteome can be downloaded by running the
    following code at the console in RStudio (seeNote 8):

URL<- "
download.file(URL, destfile = "enter file path here/Human_Proteome.fa.gz")

  1. Load downloaded proteomes into R by running the following
    code at the console in RStudio (seeNotes 9and 10 ):

proteomehuman<- readAAStringSet ("Human_Proteome.fa.gz ","fasta")

  1. Identify protein sequences containing at least one variation of
    the AMPK consensus sequence by running the following code
    at the console in RStudio [1]:
    myhitshuman<- proteomehuman[grepl("(K|R|H)(L|V|M|I|A|F)....(S|T)...(I|L|V|M|A|F)|

102 Brendan Gongol et al.

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