AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. The 30 kDa β-subunit has an anomalous electrophoretic
    mobility. This results in theβ- and theγ-subunits (37 kDa)
    being difficult to resolve on a gel despite the difference in
    molecular weight. If in doubt, mass spectrometry can be used
    to validate the presence of both subunits accurately.

  2. Do not concentrate the sample at this stage as if the protein
    concentration exceeds 3 mg/mL, it will precipitate during
    overnight phosphorylation.

  3. Keep a sample of unphosphorylated protein for SDS-PAGE
    and mass spectrometry analysis.

  4. In our hands, usable crystals of full-length human AMPK
    (α 1 β 1 γ1) could only be produced for protein that was com-
    plexed with nucleotides (AMP, ADP, or ATP) bound to theγ 1
    domain, a small molecule activator bound at the interface
    betweenα1 andβ1, and with the kinase in an inhibited complex
    with staurosporine. Crystals could not be obtained in the
    absence of either staurosporine or a small molecule ADaM
    activator. However, crystals of ratα1, humanβ1, and human
    γ1[ 5] were successfully produced in the absence of ADaM
    activators; however, the ADaM-binding site was partially occu-
    pied with SO 42 instead. Holocrystals of AMPK without acti-
    vator bound but with cyclodextrin (as a mimic glycogen bound
    to a different region of the GBD domain instead) have been
    reported [8]. However, as they demonstrated a resolution of

    4A ̊, side chains and main chain can rarely be located with


This work was supported by the Francis Crick Institute, which
receives its core funding from Cancer Research UK, the UK Medi-
cal Research Council and the Wellcome Trust. Julia Hubbard is a
recipient of a Daphne Jackson Research Fellowship, which is
funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the UK Medical
Research Council. We greatly acknowledge Diamond Light Source
for access to synchrotron time under proposal MX9826.


  1. Xiao B, Heath R, Saiu P, Leiper FC, Leone P,
    Jing C, Walker PA, Haire L, Eccleston JF, Davis
    CT, Martin SR, Carling D, Gamblin SJ (2007)
    Structural basis for AMP binding to mamma-
    lian AMP-activated protein kinase. Nature

  2. Xiao B, Sanders MJ, Underwood E, Heath R,
    Mayer FV, Carmena D, Jing C, Walker PA,
    Eccleston JF, Haire LF, Saiu P, Howell SA,

Aasland R, Martin SR, Carling D, Gamblin SJ
(2011) Structure of mammalian AMPK and its
regulation by ADP. Nature 472:230–233

  1. Underwood EA (2013) Nucleotide regulation
    of AMP-activated protein kinase. Doctoral the-
    sis, University College London

  2. Xiao B, Sanders MJ, Carmena D, Bright NJ,
    Haire LF, Underwood E, Patel BR, Heath RB,
    Walker PA, Hallen S, Giordanetto F, Martin

AMPK Crystallisation 13
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