AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
laboratories have utilized tricistronic expression vectors to produce
recombinant enzyme for full-length AMPK crystallization [6, 7, 11].
Full-length active AMPK is purified via a two-step method
involving NiNTA IMAC affinity resin and size-exclusion chroma-
tography. CaMKK2 purified from insect cells is then used to acti-
vate AMPK by phosphorylation of Thr172 in the activation loop.
This is one of the most critical steps as over-phosphorylation can
inhibit crystallization (seeNote 1). Before crystallization experi-
ments, the protein is further purified with another size-
exclusion step.

1.2 AMPK

The structure of full-lengthα 2 β 1 γ1 bound to C2 revealed theα2-
RIM was disengaged. The added flexibility of theα2-RIM inhibited
C2-α 2 β 1 γ1 co-crystallization; therefore, we employed two meth-
ods to reduce the impact of theα-RIM on crystallization. (1) AMP
bound to theγ-subunit strengthens theα2-RIM/γ-subunit inter-
action; therefore, we used a combination of AMP-bound and
C2-bound AMPK heterotrimer for crystal formation. In this sys-
tem we are using the AMP-bound molecule to add structural
integrity to the crystal, which allows for the more flexible

Fig. 1Cartoon representation of AMPK heterotrimer.α 2 β 1 γ1 (PDB/4CFE [6])
showing theα-subunit (green),β-subunit (cyan), andγ-subunit (magenta). Key
structural features have been labeled as follows:α-kinase domain,α-auto-
inhibitory domain (α-AID), α-regulatory interacting motif (α-RIM) 1 and
2,β-carbohydrate binding module (β-CBM), allosteric drug and metabolite
(ADaM) binding site, and theαβγ-scaffold domain. Allosteric modulators have
been labeled, including staurosporine, AMP, A-769662, and C2, the latter
overlaid from PDB 4ZHX [10]

Visualization of Drug Binding Sites 17
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