AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
C2-bound AMPK to co-crystallize [10]. (2) Structural analysis of
the α1-RIM reveals it forms a stronger interaction with the
γ-subunit than theα2-RIM; therefore, we utilized aα1/2-RIM
swap chimera for crystallization studies [10]. We have optimized
conditions for the two crystallization constructs based on the pre-
viously published method by Xiao and colleagues [6].

1.3 Cryoprotection
of AMPK Crystals

Cryoprotection is the most important step in producing high-
quality diffracting AMPK crystals but also the most variable. Cryo-
protectants are used to protect the protein crystals against freezing
damage by ice formation during flash cooling. Xiao and colleagues
reported that the reservoir solution supplemented with 30% ethyl-
ene glycol sufficiently protects AMPK crystals during flash cooling
[6]; however, in our hands we find the diffractive quality of crystals
cooled in this way differs greatly between samples. We prefer to use
a combination of cryoprotectants mixed in with the reservoir solu-
tion in a stepwise manner.
X-ray crystallographic studies of full-length AMPK are valuable
for the development of therapeutic activators and inhibitors for
AMPK, whether they bind to the ADaM site,α-kinase domain, or
γ-CBS motifs. Here we describe detailed, optimized protocols from
our laboratory for the crystallization of full-lengthα 2 β 1 γ1 AMPK,
including protein production and purification and cryoprotection
of the crystals. The techniques described will allow for visualization
of compounds targeted at all of the known AMPK allosteric sites.

2 Materials

2.1 Expression
and Purification
for Crystallization

  1. AMPKα 2 β 1 γ1 dual expression constructs: cDNAs forα2/γ 1
    cloned into pETDuet™-1 multiple cloning sites (MCS)
    1 (BamH1/Not1) and 2 (MfeI/XhoI), respectively, andβ 1
    cDNA cloned into pRSFDuet™-1 MCS1 (NcoI/BamHI).

  2. AMPK α2/α1 RIM chimera dual expression constructs:
    cDNAs forα2/1 (α2(1–347)/α1(349–401)/α2(397-end))/
    γ1 cloned into pETDuet™-1 multiple cloning sites (MCS)
    1 (BamHI/Not1) and 2 (MfeI/XhoI), respectively, and
    cDNA forβ1 into pCOLADuet™-1 MCS1 (NcoI/BamHI)
    (seeNote 2).

  3. LB (lysogeny broth): 10 g/L tryptone, 5 g/L yeast extract,
    and 10 g/L NaCl.

  4. LB agar: 1.5% (w/v) agar in LB media and then autoclave.

  5. Ampicillin 1000stock: 50 mg/ml ampicillin in water.

  6. Kanamycin 1000stock: 50 mg/ml kanamycin in water.

  7. Autoclaved glycerol.

  8. Expression flask: 2 L baffled Erlenmeyer flask.

18 Christopher G. Langendorf et al.

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