AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Pass clarified lysate over the nickel column using a peristaltic
    pump at 1 ml/min.

  2. Wash the nickel column with lysis buffer until the concentra-
    tion of protein eluting is low, approximately 10 CV.

  3. Elute AMPK by passing 1–2 CV of elution buffer over the
    nickel column, pool the protein peak, and concentrate to
    5 ml if necessary.

  4. Apply the protein peak to a SEC column, pre-equilibrated in
    storage buffer.

  5. Concentrate the AMPK containing fractions to ~5.0 ml for
    CaMKK2 phosphorylation.

  6. Phosphorylate AMPK by incubation with CaMKK2 at a ratio
    of 1:2400 (w/w) (CaMKK2/AMPK) in the presence of
    2.5 mM MgCl 2 , 0.5 mM ATP, and 0.5 mM AMP. Incubate
    the phosphorylation reaction mixture at 22C for 1 h with
    gentle rolling.

  7. Terminate the reaction by applying the phosphorylation reac-
    tion mixture to a SEC column (repeatstep 17).

  8. Concentrate the pure AMPK containing fractions to ~10 mg/
    ml, and flash freeze in liquid nitrogen. Store the purified
    enzyme at 80 C. The yield from typical protein purification
    is between 10 and 15 mg/L of culture.

3.2 Production
and Purification
of CaMKK2 for AMPK

  1. Culture the Sf21 insect cells in Sf-900 II media, incubating in a
    shaking incubator at 26C with shaking at 150 rpm.

  2. Infect the Sf21 cells at a multiplicity of infection of 10 and
    continue incubation for 72 h post-infection.

  3. Harvest the Sf21 cells by centrifugation at 1,000g for
    15 min at 4C; discard the supernatant.

  4. Wash the pellet with PBS and store at 80 C.

  5. Thaw and resuspend the Sf21 cells in 0.05culture volume of
    ice-cold insect lysis buffer with protease inhibitors. Maintain at
    4 C at all times.

  6. Lyse Sf21 cells and clarify the lysate by centrifugation at
    40,000 gfor 60 min at 4C; transfer supernatant to a
    fresh tube.

  7. Equilibrate FLAG monoclonal antibody-coupled affinity resin
    in 10volumes of insect lysis buffer.

  8. Add equilibrated FLAG monoclonal antibody-coupled affinity
    resin to the Sf21 lysate, and mix on a rotating wheel at 4C for

22 Christopher G. Langendorf et al.

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