AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Wash FLAG monoclonal antibody-coupled affinity resin exten-
    sively in insect lysis buffer (510 volumes).

  2. Elute CaMKK2 in insect elution buffer. Aliquot and flash
    freeze eluted protein in liquid nitrogen and store at 80 C.

3.3 Crystallization
for ADaM Site

  1. Dilute full-length phosphorylated α 2 β 1 γ1 to 4 mg/ml
    (30μM) in storage buffer containing a threefold molar excess
    of AMP (90μM), an equimolar (30μM) of staurosporine and
    A-769662 (seeNote 6), and two- to fivefold molar excess
    (60–150μM) of synthetic peptide S108tide or SAMS (see
    Note 7), and incubate on ice for 30 min.

  2. Set up hanging drop crystallization experiments in a 24-well
    crystallization plate by adding 500μl of reservoir solution to
    the crystallization plate. We suggest altering the concentration
    of both cocamidopropyl betaine (seeNote 8) and PEG 3350 in
    a grid screen.

  3. Add 1.0μl of the AMPK/compound mixture to the reservoir
    solution at a 1:1 ratio, and incubate the crystallization plate at
    4 C. Crystallization experiments can be set at room tempera-
    ture or at 4C. Crystals should appear after 2–4 days, growing
    to their full size within 2 weeks (Fig.2).

  4. Crystal size can be increased by one of two methods, either
    protein feeding (seeNote 9) or macro-seeding (seeNote 10).

3.4 Crystallization
for C2-Site Activators

It is possible to use different protein constructs to visualize theγ1-
subunit activator C2, full-length phosphorylatedα 2 β 1 γ1, and full-
length phosphorylated AMPKα1/α2 RIM chimera (seeNote 11).

  1. Dilute full-length phosphorylatedα 2 β 1 γ1 as described instep
    1 in Subheading3.3 with the following exceptions: make two
    separate AMPK protein stocks at 4 mg/ml, one containing
    twofold molar excess of AMP (60μM) and the other contain-
    ing twofold molar excess of C2 (60μM), without AMP. Incu-
    bate the protein/compound mixture at 4C for 30 min, and
    then combine prior to setting the hanging drop experiment
    described insteps 2and 3 in Subheading3.3.

  2. Dilute full-length phosphorylated AMPKα1/α2 RIM chimera
    [12] (4 mg/ml, 30μM) as described instep 1in Subheading
    3.3 with the following exception exchange AMP for a sixfold
    molar excess of C2 (180μM).

  3. Hanging drop crystallization experiments were set up as
    described insteps 2and 3 in Subheading3.3.

Visualization of Drug Binding Sites 23
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