AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. For every sample include a sample background control. Add
    the same amount of samples used instep 3and complete the
    volume up to 50μl with the glycogen hydrolysis buffer. To
    these samples, doNOTadd the hydrolysis enzyme mix. Read-
    ings of these wells will reveal the amount of glucose contami-
    nation in your samples prior to glycogen hydrolysis (see

  2. Add 2μl of the hydrolysis enzyme mix to the standard curve
    and sample wells for the colorimetric assay. For the fluorimetric
    assay, add only 1μl of the hydrolysis enzyme mix. The “0” well
    is the background control. Readings of these wells will measure
    the amount of glucose resultant from the hydrolysis of glyco-
    gen in the standard glycogen solution and in your samples (see
    Note 15).

  3. Wrap your plate with aluminum foil to protect from light and
    incubate with gentle shaking for 30 min.

3.4 Development
and Output

  1. During the 30 min incubation, prepare a master mix of the
    development mix solution. Depending on the number of reac-
    tions used, prepare enough reagents to cover all samples and
    controls. For every reaction, consider 46μl of development
    buffer, 2μl of Oxiprobe, and 2μl of development enzyme mix
    for the colorimetric assay. For the fluorimetric assay, for every
    reaction, add 48.7μl of the development buffer, 1μl of the
    development enzyme mix, and 0.3μl of OxiRed.

  2. Add 50μl of the development enzyme mix to every well and
    mix well by gentle up and down pipetting. Avoid bubbles and

Table 1
Glycogen standard curve and sample preparation

Glycogen standard
volume (μl)

Hydrolysis enzyme
buffer (μl)

Hydrolysis enzyme
mix (μl)

buffer (μl)
10 40 2 50
Sample volume (μl) Hydrolysis enzyme
buffer (μl)

Hydrolysis enzyme
mix (μl)

buffer (μl)
1–50 Up to 50 2 50
1–50 Up to 50 0 50

62 Elite Possik and Arnim Pause

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