AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
foam. Cover plate with aluminum foil to protect from light,
and incubate 30 min at room temperature with gentle shaking

  1. Read the plate using an ELISA microplate reader immediately
    after incubation at OD570 nm for colorimetric assays or at
    Ex535/Em587 for fluorimetric assays (seeNote 16).

3.5 Analysis
and Calculations

  1. Subtract the background from all the readings. Also subtract
    the free glucose background levels from corresponding sam-
    ples. Apply the corrected reading to the standard curve to get
    the amount of glycogen in the samples (μg).SeeFig. 1 for a
    representative standard curve graph.

  2. Apply the following formula to calculate the concentration of
    glycogen in your samples:

C¼(μg glycogen in standard curve/samples volume)dilu-
tion factor¼μg/μl(seeNote 17).

4 Notes

  1. Cellular density highly influences glycogen content. Higher
    amounts of glycogen are found when cells are confluent. To
    have accurate measurements, cells need to be evenly spread in
    the dish.

  2. Working on ice is important to slow down the activity of the
    enzymes that could break down glycogen. Proceed quickly
    during this step to limit glycogen hydrolysis events.

  3. Boiling the samples inactivates the enzymes that could hydro-
    lyze glycogen in your samples.

  4. Protein levels could be determined using the Bradford assay.
    Other protein assays can also be used if they are compatible
    with the used concentration of potassium hydroxide.

  5. Commercially available kits for glycogen determination are
    similar in context and content. They are widespread and easily
    available at a reasonable price. Because in this assay multiple
    enzymes are needed to lead to the end product, we find that

Table 2
Development reagents in colorimetric and fluorimetric assays

Colorimetric assay (volume inμl) Fluorimetric assay (volume inμl)
Development enzyme mix 2 1
Development enzyme buffer 46 48.7
OxiRed 2 0.3

Biochemical Titration of Glycogen in Cells and Tissues 63
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