AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Be careful while adding the hydrolysis enzyme mix. Make sure
    to add the 2μl inside the solution and not on the side and mix
    well. Quick plate centrifugation is recommended to bring
    down the solution inside the wells. Proceed quickly at this
    step to avoid long exposure to light.

  2. Prepare the reading parameters during the 30 min develop-
    ment. Be careful with the choice of the plate on the ELISA
    reader machine. It is recommended to take two consecutive
    readings and average both results.

  3. Normalizing to accurate protein measurements is very impor-
    tant. Error in the levels of protein content highly influences the


We acknowledge salary support to E.P. from the Rolande and
Marcel Gosselin Graduate Studentship and the CIHR/FRSQ
training grant in cancer research of the McGill Integrated Cancer
Research Training Program (MICRTP). The work was supported
by grants to A.P. from the Myrovlytis Trust, the Terry Fox Research
Foundation, and the Kidney Foundation of Canada.


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