AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1
also be used, depending on protein recovery and other require-
ments. Recover cells by centrifugation at 7000gfor 30 min
at 4C, and freeze the pellets in liquid nitrogen.

  1. Lyse cell pellets using a mortar and pestle under liquid nitro-
    gen, transfer powdered cells to 50 mL Falcon tubes, and resus-
    pend in lysis buffer. Typically 1 L of bacterial culture requires
    10 mL of lysis buffer. Clarify the lysate by centrifugation at
    100,000gfor 30 min at 4C and apply supernatant to an
    affinity-based chromatography column at a flow rate of 1 mL/

  2. Wash the column in ten column volumes and carry out elution.
    GST-tagged proteins are eluted in buffer containing 20 mM
    glutathione at a flow rate of 1 mL/min, while His-tagged
    proteins are eluted using an imidazole gradient. Typically the
    gradient (20–500 mM imidazole) is performed at 1 mL/min
    over 30 min. On elution of protein (based on UVabsorbance),
    the gradient is stopped until absorbance at 280 nm has
    returned to baseline, and the gradient is then resumed.

  3. Fractions containing the desired protein (usually detected by
    SDS-PAGE) are pooled, concentrated, and flash frozen in liq-
    uid nitrogen. AMPK protein is first dialyzed (41 L of dialysis
    buffer for 30 min) before being flash frozen.

3.3 Phosphorylation
of Bacterially
Expressed AMPK Using

AMPK expressed in bacteria is not phosphorylated on Thr172 and
has a very low basal activity. This “naı ̈ve” unphosphorylated protein
can be used to study allosteric activation or promotion of phos-
phorylation. However, if the user requires AMPK protein phos-
phorylated on Thr172, then this will have to be carried out using
either LKB1 or CaMKK2. LKB1 is a heterotrimeric complex and
for full activity must be expressed in complex with STRAD and
MO25; for this reason CaMKK2 is easier to use. Pilot studies are
first performed to determine how much CaMKK2 is required to
phosphorylate a given amount of AMPK.

  1. Mix 5μL of AMPK (0.1μg/μL) and 5μL of CaMKK2 (various
    amounts) and store on ice. Start the reaction at 15 s intervals by
    adding 10μL of unlabeled Mg.ATP, vortexing, and incubating
    at 30C for 10 min. Blanks lacking AMPK should be per-
    formed to ensure CaMKK2 is unable to phosphorylate the
    AMPK substrate peptide.

  2. At 15 s intervals, remove 5μL from the first assay and add to
    20 μL of kinase assay mix (seeSubheading3.4) pre-dispensed
    into 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes, vortex, and incubate at
    30 C for 10 min.

  3. Complete the kinase assays of this pilot as in Subheading3.4.

76 Fiona A. Fyffe et al.

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