AMPK Methods and Protocols

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Having decided how much CaMKK2 to use to obtain maximal
    Thr172 phosphorylation, scale up the activation assay with the
    required amount of CaMKK2—typically 5 mg of purified
    AMPK is phosphorylated. After the scaled-up assay, the mix-
    ture is applied to a HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200 pg gel
    filtration column with an in-line 5 mL glutathione-Sepharose
    FF column, both pre-equilibrated in gel filtration equilibration
    buffer run at 1 mL/min (seeNote 8).

  2. Fractions containing the desired protein (usually monitored by
    SDS-PAGE) are pooled, concentrated using centrifugal con-
    centrators (following manufacturers’ instructions) to3 mL,
    dialyzed against 41 L of phosphorylated AMPK dialysis
    buffer for 30 min each (seeNote 9), and stored at 20 C.

3.4 Standard
In-Solution Kinase

This protocol refers to our standard final assay volume of 25μL.

  1. Mix the following components in 1.5 mL microcentrifuge
    tubes: (1) 5μL of peptide substrate (SAMSorAMARA, final
    concentration 200μM); (2) 5μL of AMP (final concentration
    200 μM); (3) 5μL of AMPK (appropriately diluted to ensure
    activity is proportional to amount added); (4) 5μL of kinase
    assay buffer.

  2. Start the reaction (typically at 15 s intervals) by adding 5μLof
    MgCl 2 /[γ-^32 P]ATP (final concentration 5 mM/200μM), vor-
    tex, and incubate at 30C for 10 min. Also perform blanks
    where the peptide is omitted. It is also possible to prepare
    master mixes that include MgCl 2 /[γ-^32 P]ATP, in which case
    the reaction is initiated by addition of AMPK instead. AMP can
    also be replaced in the master mix with assay buffer to deter-
    mine AMPK activity in the absence of allosteric activator or
    replaced by another allosteric activator such as A769662.

  3. Stop the reactions at 15 s intervals by removing 15μL and
    pipetting onto a P81 paper square held with forceps. As soon as
    the fluid has soaked in (about 1 s), drop the square into a large
    beaker containing 500 mL of 1% phosphoric acid.

  4. Once all the reactions have been stopped, stir the beaker con-
    taining the paper squares gently on a magnetic stirrer for 5 min
    at room temperature.

  5. Pour off the phosphoric acid to radioactive waste. Add 500 mL
    of 1% phosphoric acid and again stir the beaker containing the
    paper squares gently on a magnetic stirrer for 5 min at room
    temperature. Pour off the phosphoric acid to radioactive waste
    and repeat this washing step once more.

  6. Lay filters out on absorbent paper on a radioactive spill tray and
    allow to dry in the air.

Cell-Free Assays for Regulatory Ligands 77
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