Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer

(Frankie) #1

LWBK1006-Index LWW-Govindan-Review December 19, 2011 19:14

612 Index

Lung cancer (Contd.)
mortality by, 76
MRI of, 166, 178
and MSCC, 504, 506–507
N-nitrosamines and, 43
percutaneous thermal ablation of,
162, 170
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
and, 33, 43
screening of, 166, 178
smoking and, 72, 76
staging, PET/CT in, 166, 178
and tobacco, 57, 63
treatment planning, 167, 178–179
Lung metastasis, complete resection
in, 509, 513
lung nodule, complete resection of,
367, 372
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 221
Luteinizing hormone-releasing
hormone (LHRH), 284
LVSI.SeeLymphovascular space
involvement (LVSI)
Lymphangiography, 167, 179
Lymphedema, management of, 574,
Lymph node, radiation therapy for,
319, 327
Lymphoblastic leukemia and folic
acid, 95, 100
Lymphoblastic lymphoma, and
SVC syndrome, 506
Hodgkin’s lymphoma (LPHL),
Lymphocyte rich classic Hodgkin’s
lymphoma (LRCHL), 423, 434
Lymphomas, 179, 215, 222
angioimmunoblastic, 416, 429
B-cell, 415, 429
Burkitt’s, 413, 428
in children, 413, 428
cHL and, 423, 434
epidemiology of, 414, 428
follicular, 416, 430
hepatosplenic T-cell, 416, 429
HIV and, 414, 428
large cell, 416, 430
lymphoplasmacytic, 415, 429
and MSCC, 504, 506–507
Nasal T-cell, 414, 428
pathogenesis of, 38, 50
primary effusion, 415, 429
primary intestinal and secondary,
264, 267
R-CHOP in, 418, 431–432
subcutaneous T-cell lymphoma,
419, 432
testicular, 418, 431

Lymphoplasmacytic lymphomas,
415, 429
Lymphoscintigraphy, 180
Lymphovascular space involvement
(LVSI), 316, 324
Lynch syndrome, 4, 12, 320, 328
causes of, 328
colon cancer and, 153, 159
endometrial cancer and, 153, 159
family history of, 320, 328
ovarian cancer and, 153, 159
Lysosome activation and apoptosis,
20, 28

MabThera International Trial, 431
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
165, 175–176, 196, 332
of bone marrow, 179
of breast cancer, 168, 180
of cervical cancer, 168, 181
of colorectal cancer, 168, 180
dynamic-contrast, 99, 103
of nodal and solid-organ
involvement, 179
of ovarian cancer, 168, 181
of peritoneal carcinomatosis, 488,
of prostate cancer, 169, 181–182
role of, 78, 82
Male breast cancer, 339, 347
axillary node status in, 339
mastectomy in, 339
staging and treatment of, 339,
TNM staging system of, 339
Male urethra cancer
chronic urethritis and, 282, 290
HPV-16 and, 282, 290
risk factors for, 282, 290
urethral stricture and, 282, 290
Malignant ascites, management of,
491, 495
Malignant melanoma and
CDKN2A, 60, 66
Malignant mesothelioma, 483, 485
calretinin, 483, 485
poor prognostic factors in, 483,
T2N1M0, 484, 485
Malignant pericardial effusion,
overall median survival in,
510, 514
Malignant pleural effusions, 163,
Malignant spinal cord compression
(MSCC), 504, 506–507
Malignant teratoma, 226
lymphoid tissue (MALT)

Mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR), 32
and autophagy regulation,
19, 28
Mammography, for breast cancer
screening, 167, 179
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), 414,
417, 428, 430–431
B-cell–associated antigens in, 417,
nuclear cyclin D1 protein in, 417,
MAP kinase inhibition, causes of,
Matrix metalloproteinase
(MMP)-9, 41, 54
Matrix metalloproteinases, 28
MC.SeeMixed cellularity (MC)
MCL.SeeMantle cell lymphoma
computed tomography
MDM2 activation, 14
syndrome (MDS)
Mediastinal compression,
symptoms of, 221, 229
Mediastinal germ cell tumors, 215,
218, 222, 226
Mediastinal lymphoma, PET scan
of, 223
Mediastinal seminoma, 227
cisplatin-based chemotherapy,
radiotherapy in, 227
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
(MTC), 352, 358, 359
staging of, 352, 360
Megestrol acetate, 571
Melanoma, 375–382
anatomic distribution of, 375,
incidence of, 379
ocular, 376, 380
PRAME expression in, 108, 113
primary cutaneous
clinical follow-up for, 376, 380
management of, 376, 379
risk factors for, 375, 379
radiation therapy for, indications
for, 376, 380
sites of, in men, 375, 379
Melanoma-associated retinopathy,
520, 524
Melphalan and prednisone (MP),
Melphalan, prednisone, and
thalidomide (MPT), 463
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