
(Barry) #1

three cases you can upgrade your
presentation by the use of different
density lines, positioning of rod tip
and speed of retrieve.

Stripping basket

One can not over emphasis the need
for a good stripping basket. It will
considerably lengthen your casts
and make moving through
vegetation without reeling in your
line much easier.

Where to look for huchen

A friend of mine once said tha huchen
can be found either at the end of the
pool, at the begining of the pool, or in
the middle... I would like to add that
huchen can also be found outside the
pool, either at the left bank, the right
bank or in the middle of the river.
Basically you have to search every place
that is likely to hold a huchen. The ends
of pools are typical places where
huchen hunt and the one in the picture
was caught in such a place with a
normal streamer and overhead cating
with a fly rod. Places under fast
currents or near obstacles, snags etc.
are considered places where huchos

frequently inhabit. A good trick worth
mentioning is to return to a good
‘known’ place a couple of times in the
same day, to catch them when they go
out to hunt or become active.

I never fly fished before,

how do I know which

tackle is ok?
First of all, I am not sponsored by any
of the manufacturers I mention. But as
buying new tackle can be expensive,
here is how you can get a feel for what
you need. For single handed rods, I
would recommend that you visit the
nearest Orvis shop and try out the
higher ranges of their rods, to see how
a good #10 or #12 should feel. If you do
not have the money to buy those, you








will now know what you are looking for
in cheaper rods. There are many cheap
rods that are more than good enough
for the job, but you must know what you
are looking for. If you want to go on the
expensive side, Orvis is a great choice,
others do great rods too, but Orvis
customer support is superb and when
you are using a rod for something as
abusive as huchen fishing it is always
worth thinking about that too. Double-
handed rods? Shakespeare rods work
fine for me. More expensive rods would
work too and you can follow the same
logic as before. At the moment, I am
using a 15’ Shakespeare expedition
10/11, it has muscled a 1metre hucho
against the main current of Sava and
that is enough for me. Lines? I explained
my views before; you can get a lot of
lines that are great for casting but, at
least from my point of view, you should
be able to use heavy tippets and lines
with normal cores do not enable that.
So ... a tarpon or salmon fly rod....fly
line for tuna...a huge streamer for
pike.... and a tippet that could be used
as a monofiament for a huge catfish ...
sounds strange? It does, but it is also
a lot of fun. Tight lines!

Jure with a
nice huchen
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