that you have enough room to do it.
Longer length also improves mending
of line and streamer.
Basic demands are given above. If you
combine those with a need to use heavy
tippets, I normally use 0.60mm, there is
only one solution on the market that I
know of and meets all demands and that
is a family of RIO Leviathan lines. Yes,
they were built for big game fishing in
oceans, but they work for huchen
fishing as well, even in below freezing
point temperatures. I use 400 grain with
a single-handed #10 rod and 500 and 550
grain head with #12 single-handed rod
and 10/11 double-handed rod. Leviathan
lines do have their share of problems,
but they are the best that is available.
What happens with them is that when
they are under a lot of strain, like when
you have to break off your lure (snags
are a common occurance in hucho
flyfishing) the core and coating
eventually start to separate. Through
time, this leads to coating starting to
peel off the core or to wrinkles
appearing on the line. But as I said, as
far as I am aware,there is nothing better
around. To be fair, Leviathan lines have
never failed me. To make a loop for your
tippet, just take the end of a fly line and
create a loop, cover it with thread and
soak it in instant glue. It works fine with
all the Leviathan lines I use, just make
sure that the thread covered part is long
enough. If you are worried about
presentation ... when you are casting a
25cm streamer, a delicate presentation
is more of an idea than reality.
Why such a heavy tippet? First of all,
your tippet shall often get damaged
during the fight as hucho will go for
the bottom and it is very likely that
the tippet will hit rocks and suffer
some degree of damage. I often find
damaged areas on the tippet, especially
after fighting a bigger fish. Secondly, in
some places, at least in waters where I
fish, you have to force the fish against
the current and forcing a big huchen
against the current of a fast flowing
river does require a lot of strength.
Thirdly, which is very important to
me, I do not wish to leave a big
streamer lodged in fishes mouths or
throats because they broke my line. It
is also worth mentioning that, at least
in Slovenia, many clubs demand use
of heavy lines like 0.45mm or 0.50mm
when you are fishing for huchen.
Such lines will regularly break
normal fly lines, which use cores of
about 30lb strength
I am one of those who likes to use big
streamers. How do they look? ... if I am
honest, good huchen streamers are a bit
of a secret, but you can see some of
them in the picture. All of them but one
are made to be used for normal
flycasting and with a wet slipper
technique, while the other is basically
the same streamer, but tied on a
jighead. It is worth mentioning that all
of those are very good pike streamers as
well. There are of course many other
streamers and describing them would
make this article too long, but we mimic
everything from bullheads and nase to
spawning lampries etc. The rule of the
thumb that most anglers follow, is that
colours used for huchen lures should be
more or less natural. As you can see, I
have included four crank-bait lures in
the picture. These are 18cm plugs and
all those colours are well proven huchen
killers. They are Savar plugs and as a
Slovene I am proud I can show them to
you; they went out of production when
the guy who originally made them
stopped more than 10 years ago. The
business was then bought by two
experienced anglers and what was a
great plug before has become even
better, not just for huchen, but for other
fish as well. As you can see, all the
colours are more or less natural.
When to use a normal
streamer, when to use jig
head streamer or wet
slipper technique
Normal streamers are great for areas
where currents are not too strong,
where you do not need to get deep or
the water isn ́t too deep. Jig flies are
used when you would like to get deep
in fast and/or deep water, or where
you have to use spin casts with a fly
rod due to limited space. In the last case
you can also use normal streamers with
wet slipper technique if those are
prefered to jig flies, for example when
you are fishing in calm water. In all
w s m e s t c m h t a k S y t s b e g b
The cavenous
mouth of a
worthy predator
Streamers and 18cm
Savar plugs - both
proven huchen baits