
(ff) #1
22 seamanship secrets

Physical appearance during day-
light. In the Light List, under column 7,
which is labeled Structure, the physical
appearance of this offshore beacon is
described. Four giant legs rise from the
seabed to support a fl at, square platform.
A blue tower protrudes skyward from
the platform. In giant capital letters, the
word CHESAPEAKE adorns the sides
of the structure, welcoming mariners to
the entrance of the largest estuary in the
United States.
Periods of light and darkness. In
the Light List, look under column 4,
which is labeled Characteristic. This
breaks each group into intervals of light
and darkness (eclipse). In this case, each
fl ash lasts 0.1 second, and 2.9 seconds of
darkness separate the fi rst and second
fl ash of the group. Th en 11.9 seconds
of darkness intervenes until the pattern
starts again. Th e period of the light (sum
of light and darkness) is 15 seconds.
Horn blast and interval. The last
column, labeled Remarks, provides in-
formation on any extra equipment or
restrictions. Th e horn gives one 3-second
blast every 30 seconds. I believe the
importance of knowing this cannot be
overstated. Container, cargo, and military ships frequent this area, and low visibility
dominates during certain times of the year. All of these vessels will sound fog signals
in accordance with the prescribed International Rules for the Prevention of Colli-
sions at Sea (COLREGS). Knowing our light’s horn characteristic, we should easily
be able to pinpoint its location among a cacophony of other foghorns.

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  1. Type the Coast Guard Navigation
    Center website address (http://

  2. Find your location on the geo-
    graphic locator map. For our
    example, click on District 5, which
    covers the Midatlantic Region,
    including the Chesapeake Bay. The
    pdf fi le will download.

  3. Click the Save icon (floppy disk
    symbol on the toolbar). This takes
    you to My Documents (or elsewhere,
    depending on your computer
    system’s default) and assigns a
    file name, such as V2Complete.
    pdf. Keep or change the name as
    desired. Then click on save; close
    the website pdf fi le.

  4. Open My Documents (or whatever
    folder your system saves to) and
    retrieve the pdf fi le.

  5. Click the search fi eld and type in
    the words Chesapeake Light. Press
    the enter key on your keyboard.

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