chart and publication secrets 23
Th e Offi ce of Coast Survey, a division of NOAA, off ers sailors a free cruising
guide that’s hard to beat for accuracy and detail. Issued annually, the nine volumes
(listed below) of the U.S. Coast Pilot cover all navigable waters within the United
States and its possessions, including Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico,
and the Pacifi c Islands.
CP1 Eastport, Maine, to Cape Cod, Massachusetts
CP2 Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Sandy Hook, New Jersey
CP3 Sandy Hook, New Jersey, to Cape Henry, Virginia
CP4 Cape Henry, Virgnia, to Key West, Florida
CP5 Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands
CP6 Great Lakes and Connecting Waterways
CP7 California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and Pacifi c Isles
Th is is some of the information for the Chesapeake Light—use the fi rst column to fi nd its
light number (360)–as it appears in the Light List.