Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Methods and Protocols

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tive neoadjuvant therapy. There are some features adopted
in post-neoadjuvant therapy (Yp TNM) grouping that are
not in those without neoadjuvant therapy (pTNM)
(B1) For post-neoadjuvant therapy (Yp) TNM group, cancer
grade does not affect the stage of the cancer.
(B2) Stage I and stage II do not have prognostic staging sub-
groups (in contrast to having stage IA, stage 1B, stage IC,
stage IIA, and stage IIB in pTNM grouping).
(B3) The criteria for grouping into prognostic stage group I,
stage II, stage III, and stage IVA are different.


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Pathological Staging and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
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