Fruit and Vegetable Quality

(Greg DeLong) #1


  • Quality of fresh fruits and vegetables is the result of a complex
    interaction of genetic, production and handling factors.

  • Storage can only maintain, but not improve, product quality.

  • Currently available quantitative measures of quality
    characteristics are difficult to relate to crop production or
    consumer preference.


  • The relative importance of genetic and cultural factors in
    determining quality at harvest.

  • The feasibility of developing sufficient understanding of
    preharvest factors to predictably improve product quality.

  • The ability to sufficiently understand consumer wants and needs
    to develop appropriate quality targets.


  • A more comprehensive understanding of preharvest factors
    influencing quality at harvest and subsequent changes during
    postharvest handling.

  • Markers of qualty that can be evaluated during both preharvest
    growth and postharvest storage.

  • Models that more accurately assess preharvest influences on
    postharvest quality.

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