Fruit and Vegetable Quality

(Greg DeLong) #1

the batch, with in turn is faster than the less mature individuals in the
same batch. The same difference in apparent rate of maturation of batches
of perishable products was reported by Tijskens and Wilkinson (1996b).
So, in conclusion, the mean value of different batches can be the same,
but the skewness of the distribution and the rate of development will de-
termine how soon a given batch will become unacceptable.


The fact that the batch acceptability of all the studied potted plants
and that the keeping quality of all fruits and vegetables comply with the
same models enhances their validity. It implies that a generic approach
(one model for all potted plants tested, one model for keeping quality)
is valid. The same increase in acceptability and in keeping quality can
be obtained by increasing the initial quality of the product as by de-
creasing quality limit, however, without endangering the confidence of
the consumer.
It is possible to combine the behavior of intrinsic product properties,
varying initial quality, variable quality limits and consumer behavior into
mathematical models. These models greatly enhance our understanding
of the complex combined behavior of acceptability. Problem decompo-
sition is a very valuable tool for developing mathematical models and
descriptions of complex behavior in living materials. This makes it even
possible to describe mathematically the effect of rather ill- or undefined
entities like personally and regionally applied quality limits. The skew-
ness of the distribution of quality attributes, in batches of products with
the same average quality level, largely determines the keeping quality
of that particular batch.


To get a better understanding of acceptability and keeping quality of
perishable products, and a better feeling for the effects of differences
between apparently identical batches, future research should be designed
along a new and extended road.

  • First of all, the relations depicted between quality attribute,
    acceptability and keeping quality need more attention and
    validation to ensure their application in a generic fashion. Can we
    really rely on intrinsic properties as sole descriptors of product
    quality during the entire food chain? Is it really possible to

How to Design Further Research 141
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