Fruit and Vegetable Quality

(Greg DeLong) #1
decompose the quality problem into a problem of intrinsic and
extrinsic properties and attributes?

  • In view of the importance of the initial conditions in a batch,
    especially when the level of those initial conditions is very low
    and small differences have potentially a major effect, new and
    very sensitive techniques should be developed to measure the
    appropriate quality attributes and quality properties. For color of
    all kinds of fruits and vegetables, this technique is already
    available in the computer image analysis system. For quality
    attributes like firmness and amount of bacterial infection, more
    sensitive and nondestructive techniques have to be developed.

  • The effect of distributions of a quality attribute or product
    property in a batch needs to be studied in more detail, and the
    possibilities for practical applications have to be assessed.

  • The design of research experiments should focus on
    nondestructive techniques that make it possible to reuse and
    reassess the same individual fruit at any later time. Individual
    monitoring and its administration should receive much more
    attention in practical research to fully use its potential for chain
    management and optimization.


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